Chapter 23

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Draco told Harry to wait in the room while Draco casted a spell to prepare everything. He took out a miniature picnic basket and enlarged it taking out the food he had prepared.

He didn't expect for Harry to change into something more fancy when he called him back. Draco blushed taking Harry's hand and leading him to the dining room.

"This is the best thing someone has ever done for me Draco." Harry kissed Draco slowly and lovingly.

Draco parted away for air. His face was flushed and his lips tingled, he knew that this would be perfect if everything worked out correctly.

They ate in a comfortable silence, Draco couldn't stop feeling bubbly inside. Everything was new but if it was Harry causing that effect he wouldn't change it any other way. He loved every second of the butterflies in his stomach, the way his heart would beat faster when Harry looked at him adoringly, the way Harry was always there if he needed a hug, all the loving kisses he would get from his boyfriend, and especially just having Harry close to him at night to keep the nightmares away. Draco knew he didn't deserve Harry but he also knew that Harry never shared that feeling. He was happy with Draco.

They finished eating and Draco cleaned up and got his coat joining Harry outside in the backyard. It was snowing lightly but he felt warm enough with Harry's presence. Harry smirked at him and pulled Draco closely with a hug.

"You are the best boyfriend in the world and so gorgeous." He kissed Draco's forehead.

Draco place his hands on Harry's shoulders and leaned up to kiss him lovingly. The kiss was slow but full of passion and longing for something.

Draco melted in Harry's arms that were holding him up. When they parted for air, their foreheads were still pressed together and they looked at each others eyes.

"Harry, I umm I love you." Draco spoke timidly.

Harry's eyes brightened and he picked up Draco and spun around. He brought him back to a quick little loving peck. "I love you too."

Draco couldn't help the smile that made its way onto his lips. Harry was just as happy.

It started to snow and they decided to go back inside and wait for Draco's family to come back as they curled up in the couch watching the fire. They would be there any minute, it was 9:50 pm.

Draco had his head on Harris chest and slowly began to drift to a slumber but his family bursted through the door before he had the chance.

He saw his aunt carry Teddy up to his room and Pansy smirked at him. He could even sense his mum smiling as she walked behind them.

"When did Alex leave?" Draco asked Pansy who decided to sit next to them.

Pansy blushed. "Alex left when we had to leave. Obviously I took Alex home and Alex's family invited me to diner New Years night. I'm meeting the whole family that day since they can't make it for New Year's Eve. I need to buy a new dress."

"If you want we can go tomorrow and I'll buy you two as a new present from me now that I've received my fortune back." Draco suggested with a big smile on his face.

Pansy nodded excitedly, "thank you. I'm going to go up to bed, don't stay up late." Pansy stood up and walked away but before leaving the room she turned back and whispered, "use protection."

Draco blushed in a deep shade of red and felt Harry chuckled. Harry and Draco stayed down on the couch until they were both sleepy. Harry put out the fire and grabbed Draco's hand and they walked up to their room changing quickly to their pyjamas.

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