Chapter 5

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Luna and Ginny entered the dorm without having to wait for anything. Draco had vine Luna the password just in case she needed anything. Draco looked up from the cards and saw her worried expression as if asking for help. "Come here." He guided them towards the room. "What's wrong?" Ginny handed him the letter and he looked furious.

"I have a plan." Ginny said.

"Save it. He'll do something to Potter anyways, Howard will only wait longer to blackmail Potter." Draco handed them back the letter. "You should tell Potter since it involves him."

Luna nodded and told Harry. Harry pondered for a moment and ran his hand in his hair. "You can't seriously be thinking about this." Ginny said unimpressed.

"I'm sorry Ginny it's just the fact that Matt could actually do something like this. He seemed so nice." He sighed. "Luna please don't go. Whatever happens will eventually happen and I can't let you get hurt for it. Go to your dorm and just stay there."

Luna nodded and Ginny left with her. They entered their room and crawled on their separate beds. Minutes passed and Ginny sat up on her bed. "What's on your mind Luna?"

"I should've gone. A voice in my head tells me I should've gone."

Ginny walked over to Luna's bed and sat criss cross in front of her. "I also had this voice that told me to do things too, remember?" Luna nodded. "Ignore that voice Luna. It drove me to nearly die and I don't want anything happening to you."

"Thanks Gin." Luna smiled. "I still can't sleep though."

Ginny stood up and got a long wooden case from under the bed. "Don't tell anyone." She opened the box and got her broom out. "Let's go for a ride."

Ginny and Luna mounted the broom and flew outside. Ginny was steady flyer so Luna opened arms and felt the breeze through her body. Ginny still had the braid on so her hair wouldn't flow to Luna's face. Luna giggled as they flew over the forbidden forest and the black lake. They headed back after a whilst and got in bed falling asleep to a deep slumber.

"Luna! Wake up! Breakfast time!" Ginny jumped on Luna's bed to wake her up in the morning.

"I'm up." Luna rubbed her eyes and sat up coming face to face with her friend. Luna giggled and smiled getting off her bed putting on overalls not bothering to change her yellow shirt. And put on some boots. She grabbed a butterfly hairpin and quickly put her hair pinned back with the pin. "I'm ready."

The girls linked arms and walked out to the Great Hall. The girls sat in the Gryffindor table with their friends. Ron was next to Hermione and in front of them the Slytherins sat. Astoria sat next to Theo and tried to flirt with him but he didn't seem to get a hint. Luna sat down next to Ginny and faced Draco. "Where's Harry?"

"Merlin you don't even say hi to your cousin. Potter didn't want to eat." He shrugged and continued eating his toast. The rest of the Gryffindors weren't used to having them over some days for breakfast and that caused a lot of staring at ten. Especially Draco. "I swear if they keep staring I'm going to stab their eyes out."

Theo howled causing for Blaise to elbow him in the ribs. "Control yourself mate." Blaise whispered to Draco.

"Hey Luna?" Marcos, a ravenclaw, tapped her shoulder. Luna turned around and smiled at the boy. "Can you come with me somewhere? I need to show you something." Luna followed him out finding Matt.

"Lovegood. I need to talk to you and apologise." Matt gave her a smile that seemed fake. "Come." Luna followed hesitantly. They stood outside of a closet, Luna found it strange. They talked for a bit then Matt looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry but don't mess with me." He opened the door and locked her in there.

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