Chapter 9

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Draco and Harry studied all the time until dinner came around. They are quickly and went back to studying. Hermione smiled seeing them spending so much time together. Draco always corrected Harry on what he did and said during their study time. Harry just nodded and wrote everything he explained.

Finally both were exhausted from all the studying they had done and went to sleep. It was now thundering outside. As usual with storms, Harry spoke parseltongue in his sleep. Draco began having nightmares when Harry started speaking parseltongue. Voldemort stood before him with his snake to his side.

"You failed!" The dark lord yelled. With a twisted smile he got his mother with his wand. "I told you what I was going to do if you failed."  The snake started attacking his mum. Draco wanted to tell but something was holding him back. Taking him further back to the darkness with a pathway of dead bodies of his friends and family. He was slowly dissolving into the darkness feeling cold inside. Voices telling him he was a failure and he was worthless. "You killed them all."

"No!" Draco yelled finally waking up. Covered in sweat he put his hand up to his face he sobbed. "It's just a nightmare." He reminded himself. "It's not real anymore."

Draco heard Harry getting up and felt the bed sinking as another body sat on it. Harry decided to not say anything, he just massaged his back. Slowly Draco's breath became steady  "Move over."

"What?" Draco asked in a low voice.

"I want to sit next to you." Harry admitted. Draco nodded and scooted over. They sat in silence, Harry put his hand on the blond boy's shoulder.

"Everyone was dead and it was my fault." Draco sobbed quietly. "I got everyone killed. Astoria, Blaise, Pansy, Theo, my mother, everyone. Dead."

Harry enveloped Draco in a hug as he sobbed and massaged his back. "It was just a dream. A bad dream. We all have them, especially after the war."

"How do you deal with it?"

Harry sighed. "Well with friends. After the war Hermione and I lived together. Every night she woke up screaming so I had to go and hold her until she fell asleep. She watches out for me when I eat because I used to not eat after the war."

Harry wrapped his arm around Draco and pulled him closer. "Potter." A red cheeked Draco warned.

"Sleep Draco." Harry whispered calmly. Draco nodded and laid back down. Harry had laid next to him with an arm around his waist.

Draco buried his face into Harry chest making him chuckle. "Shut up." Draco mumbled into him.

Harry thought about getting up but he felt too comfortable. As of Draco's taller body was meant to curl up against him. He casted a spell to bring the blanket up to them then took off his glasses and put his wand with his glasses. Finally he closed his eyes and pulled Draco closer to him.

Draco didn't know if it was a dream or not but before he woke up, he felt two lips on his forehead. The smell of cinnamon lingered on his sheets. Draco sighed and got up to dress himself.

During breakfast Harry and Draco sat together and played around. The Gryffindors gasped when Draco playfully took a piece of bread from Harry's plate. Harry never liked anyone grabbing his food, it reminded him of Dudley's chubby hands taking his food making him have a grumpy mood all day. Harry raised an eyebrow and took food from Draco's plate playfully. The Slytherins smirked at the obvious teasing that was going on. Theo coughed, "gay." Draco shot him a glare and he grinned. "I said hey." Pansy and Astoria elbowed him lightly on both sides and Blaise chuckled. "Come on Dracy-poo, let's go to class." Theo fluttered his eyelashes.

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