Chapter one

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Draco locked himself in the room he was sleeping in and would only let Theo in to give him food. On the other hand Theo was being he civil with Hermione and was intrigued to learn about muggles and their appliances.

Draco came out of his room after a month. He looked unhealthy pale and with dark circles around his eyes and scratches on his face and arms. "Mate." Theo went by his side just before Draco dropped. Harry and Hermione came into the living room where Theo was with Draco. "Granger can you bring me some water and food?" Hermione nodded and went off into the kitchen.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with him?" Harry demanded with a sudden impulse.

"Er- nothing. This happens to him." Theo quickly dismissed the question and tried to heal Draco's wounds. Draco was out cold.

"I think we should go to St.Mungos." Hermione commented.

Theo's eyes grew wide and he shook his head multiple times. "No! I can take care of him. I know how to. Potter can you help me bring him up to his room please?" Harry nodded and carried Draco up as he tried to ignore the knot in his throats and electricity flowing through his body. Hermione raised an eyebrow at him expecting an explanation. "I'll tell you later." Theo promised. Hermione followed Theo up to Draco's room. Harry was looking at Draco worryingly biting his lip. "Potter you can go now." Harry left silently.

"Can you tell me now?" Hermione put her hands on her hips.

"Impatient much? Pass me a towel and I'll tell you." Hermione rolled her eyes and tossed him a towel. "I don't like your attitude first of all but I'll tell you. You remember what werewolves are right? Of course you do you're Hermione Granger. Anyway, Draco got attacked by one last year but Blaise and I saved him, not fully though. Now we help him every full moon. He's only been like this one other time but I know how to help him. Don't tell Potter."

"I won't. How do you help him?" Theo avoided her eyes and instead focused on Draco. "Oh Merlin. You're-?"

"Not me. Just Pansy and Blaise. I'm the nurse." Theo grinned proudly. "What's up with you and the weasel?"

Draco stirred awake. "Don't talk about love lives in my presence." Draco sat up with difficulty.

"Stop being a prick mate and do you have your potions?" Theo asked. Draco shook his head slightly. "Off to the forest we go. I just need to tell Pansy and Blaise."

Pansy sat alone in the room she was sharing with Ginny, though Ginny didn't go to her room much. She kept staring at her perfectly manicured nails and thinking about how Draco must be. Today was the full moon and she didn't know if he had any potions left. Suddenly the door opened a little. "Parkinson, lunch is ready if you want to eat." Ron announced.

"I'm not hungry." Pansy commented.

Ron entered the room with a small smile on his lips. "Come on, we're not that bad. Besides you haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning." Pansy stayed where she was. "Well there's always a plate for you if you decide to come." Later on he came back with a plate of food and a letter. "This cake for you."

Ron walked over to Pansy handing her the letter and food. "Um thanks."

"You know Parkinson, you're not so bad." Ron noted sitting down in front of her.

Pansy took a bite of her food. "Don't tell anyone I have a reputation to uphold." Ron chuckled as Pansy opened the letter and read it. She gasped and put down her fork. "I need to go, Theo needs help." She transformed into an eagle in front of Ron.

"Bloody hell. Now I have to open a window." Ron stood up and opened a window for Pansy to fly out. "If you see Hermione tell her I miss her!"

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