Chapter 17

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Two more moths passed and Draco was nowhere near relaxation.

Harry was going to spend his vacation with him, they were most likely going to go to the Weasleys for Boxing Day and to top it off his potion needed to be done by the end of the week to prevent any wolf incidents from happening during the holidays. He also just needed to get all his homework done before the end of the day so he could get to Christmas shopping and finding the perfect gift for everyone on a budget.

His eyes watered as he was doing his homework feeling all the stress and just wanting to crawl onto his bed and cuddle next to Harry.

He jerked up when two large hands came behind him on his shoulders.

"Relax it's just me." Harry announced rubbing Draco's tense shoulders. "Do you want some tea?"

Draco sighed shaking his head. "I need to get this done."

"Come on," Harry kissed his neck, "you need a break."

"Harry I can't. Please leave." Draco stubbornly wrote down his essay.

"Dray you're working nonsto-"

"I SAID LEAVE!" Draco exploded.

Harry sighed definitely but left nonetheless. "Sorry."

Draco dropped his pencil horrified of what he did. He went after Harry who was sitting on their bed.

"Oh Merlin please forgive me." Draco walked over to him trembling.

Harry sighed and opened his arms. Draco crawled over to him and let himself be hugged by Harry. "I'm the one that's sorry. I should've left you alone." Harry massaged Draco's back softly earning a small sound from his boyfriend.

Draco let his eyes fall close enjoying the warmth Harry was emitting. "Can you help me? I need to finish by today and I feel so tired."

Without a warning Harry stood up with Draco in his arms and carried him to his work. He gently placed him down and got his own homework and Hermione's notes he borrowed out.

It took a full hour but Draco was finally done with everything so he leaned back into his boyfriend and hugged his waist.

Harry chuckled lightly. "Let's get you to a bed so you can rest properly." Draco groaned but let himself be carried again.

Once they were both in bed down Draco wrapped an arm around Harry's waist pulling him close. "I'm nervous," Draco admitted.

Harry looked at his boyfriend confused, they had just finished his work and surely there was nothing else to worry about. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Draco nodded slightly. "It's just that you're my first boyfriend and I'm spending Christmas with you. I imagine that you would like to go to the Weasleys for Boxing Day and I'm nervous that the people that consider you family won't accept us. Especially the parents. Theo isn't done with the potion he told me about so I won't have any incidents during the full moon. I'm just a little stressed over everything."

Harry kissed his forehead softly. "I've told Molly about us for some time already, I'm sure she told Arthur. And yeah, sure I'm spending Christmas with you but you have nothing you worry about." Harry ran his hand through Draco's hair gently trying his hardest to get his boyfriend to relax a little. "I'm sure you're trying to make everything as especial and perfect as you can. I do understand why you're worried but if I'm with you and you're smiling carefree at the moment, I will love it. Please don't overwork yourself."

Draco nodded again sighing softly. Harry kissed his forehead one more time, "take a nap, then I'll wake you up and we'll go down to eat."

Draco didn't need convincing, he instantly fell asleep from his endless exhaustion. Harry smiled and grabbed a book nearby so he could still be with Draco but also doing something to pass the time.

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