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Happy holidays! Enjoy this Christmas special!

Semi-smut at the ~~
You've been warned!

Draco woke up and got out of bed two hours before he had to wake up Harry. He quickly changed into some muggle jeans Harry had given him and Harry's sweater and went down to the kitchen.

He had paid the elves extra to help him cook up a Christmas breakfast for 19 people.

Draco finished everything half an hour before Harry was up. All he needed was for the guests to arrive and he could wake him up.

He felt giddy about his plan to give Harry a great first Christmas with him. He loved the way Harry was so respectful to him yesterday night during their bath. He asked for permission before doing anything remotely sexual and made sure there were enough bubbles to make Draco feel comfortable.

Draco blushed softly remembering the way Harry had even covered his eyes when Draco got in and out of the tub.

A knock interrupted his thoughts, he knew it was Hermione. He quickly went to open the door for the Weasleys. He knew Hermione had mentioned everything about that Santa Harry told him about.

"Happy Christmas Draco!" Hermione exclaimed immediately when Draco opened the door.

"Hush! Harry's still asleep." Draco scolded playfully. "Please come in and make yourselves at home, breakfast will be ready in a little bit." The pool of gingers filled the living room.

Charlie eyes Draco, "this is not a plan to poison us, right Malfoy?"

Draco shook his head, "I wouldn't do that when I'm trying to impress Harry. Maybe some other time will be fitting." Draco smiled at everyone and excused himself.

He went to wake up everyone but Harry telling them to go to the living room. Teddy was the first one down followed by everyone else.

Once Draco knew everyone was down in the living room he went ahead to wake up Harry. Draco leaned down to Harry and whispered, "good morning, it's Christmas."

Harry groaned and pulled Draco down to him and opened his eyes. "You look very blurry."

Draco rolled his eyes and extended to the nightstand and grabbed Harry's glasses. "Come on, teddy wants to open the gifts together. Besides I have a surprise present for you."

Harry tightened his embrace on Draco and nuzzled into his hair. "You're more than enough for me. I really didn't need a present."

Draco looked up and gave Harry a small peck. "Just give it a good look and you won't want to return it."

Harry kissed him again, "fine, just because you want me to."

Draco unwrapped Harry's arms that were holding onto him and helped him up. "Get dressed and meet me down stairs. I fixed up breakfast, just enough for everyone."

Harry pulled Draco towards him, "I'm sure it'll be delicious."

"Get dressed Harry, I mean it. The food will get cold." Draco left the embrace and went quickly downstairs feeling giddy.


Harry walked down the stairs with his Weasley sweater on and called out for Draco. He looked in the kitchen, ball room and lastly the living room.

The Weasleys stood in the middle looking like a big sea of red with only two blond ladies. Harry couldn't help but run to hug everyone.

Draco bit his lip as he watched Harry hug his family but felt a pang of jealousy when Harry hugged Ginny. His mother pulled him close, "my boy, don't be jealous. He loves you."

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