Chapter 28

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It was time to go back to Hogwarts amd everyone was boarding the train. Harry got the biggest compartment in the train and waited for his boyfriend who was saying goodbye to his family.

Ron and Hermione sat next to him and smiled. "It's the last time we're going to get on the train headed to Hogwarts."

Harry nodded, "it's the last time we go."

Hermione sighed, "Promise you two will visit."

Ron chuckled, "aren't we going to move in together? The three of us?"

Hermione shrugged, "I thought Harry was going to move in with Draco?"

"He hasn't said anything."

Draco came in and placed his bags on top. "Who hasn't said anything?"

"No one." Ron cleared his throat, " we should host a big quidditch game for all 8th years and a party."

Draco nodded in agreement as he sat next to Harry and opened his book. "After exams of course."

"Where's Pansy?" Harry asked.

Draco shrugged, "she went for Alex. Apparently everything went very well when she went over. She was actually invited to go to Paris with her for a month, Alex's mom is doing something for research and Alex is going to help."

Hermione straightened up he back, "what are your plans after we graduate Dray?"

"I read about some things that could help me so I'm going to go for them. Not much chance I'll get hired anywhere anyway."

Hermione looked confused but Draco didn't notice, he was too into his book. "Alone?"

Draco shrugged, "Why not? It's not like anyone would want to go."

Harry looked shocked but hid it by looking out the window.

When they got to Hogwarts Harry was the first out of the train. Draco looked confused as his boyfriend left him behind but chose not to question it.

Throughout the day he was ignored by Harry and at night he was pushed away to back to his own bed where not even all the blankets in the world would keep him warm.

Classes were back in session and Harry only spoke to him when it was necessary but other than that didn't say a word to Draco. Draco felt useless and desperate for attention. He wanted to curl up next to his boyfriend and talk but Harry was out of it.

Finally he grabbed his books and went studying alone. He went into the library where he found Hermione looking through some books and went to talk to her. "You're not mad at me right?"

Hermione jumped a little, "oh dear, you startled me. No Draco I'm not mad at you, is someone mad at you?"

Draco nodded, "I think Harry doesn't want to be my boyfriend anymore."

Hermione sighed, "have you tried talking to him?"

"Yes, he won't let me near him."

"I'm sure he'll get over whatever it is. Just give him more time."

Draco pouted but nodded in comprehension.


That night Draco walked into his dorm and Harry was quietly working on his homework. Draco walked over to him and hugged him from behind but Harry took his arms off of him.

"I'm busy."

"That's it. I had it with you. Tell me what's wrong!" Draco snapped. "You've been nothing but rude with me ever since we got back and I'm done with it. If you are tired of me already just tell me and we'll break up."

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