Chapter 21

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When Harry woke up he didn't find Draco in the room, the shower was steamy so he knew e had just showered and was probably getting Teddy ready or telling his mother about their plans. Harry went to get his clothes and shower for his long day ahead. He knew Draco used magic to make Harry's clothes for him so he could fit in with muggles but he also knew Pansy didn't have any normal clothing. All her casual clothing was too fancy so he would take that under consideration.

Harry grabbed his wand and apparated to gringots.


Draco had informed his mother and aunt of the plans and they both thought they were brilliant ideas. Now he was in the process of waking up Pansy and Teddy.

He woke up Pansy first who was delighted to hear the news and got right up to do her hair and makeup and put some of the most casual things she owned that wouldn't help her fitting in.

Next he woke up Teddy who was wide awake sitting on the bed playing with long hair.

"Hey Ted, I have some exciting news today. Harry is going to take us to different places in muggle London whilst our mums run some errands. What do you want to wear?"

Teddy grinned happily, "my blue skirt."

Draco sighed, "it's cold outside bud, why don't you wear something more comfortable and that could work with anything since we're going to be out for the whole day and you may feel different at another point in time."

Teddy nodded and went to the closet getting out a lot guy blue jumper with a kitten face on it and some muggle jeans. Teddy then proceeded to place the pin on the clothing making sure it was pointed at the She section and grabbing ribbons for her hair.

Draco helped Teddy get ready and styled her hair into a ponytail with the ribbon on perfectly. "Let's get to breakfast Ted."

Teddy nodded excitedly and grabbed Draco's hand following him to the dining room. Draco helped Teddy up the chair and went to prepare some of Teddy's favourite chocolate chip pancakes.

He noticed that slowly everyone began filling in empty spots on the dining room table except for Harry.

"Do any of you know if Harry is awake?" He asked putting some pancakes in front of Pansy.

"He wasn't in bed wen I went to wake him up." Pansy informed beginning to cut her pancakes.

Then Harry appeared in the doorway cleaning his clothes that were full of snowflakes. He grinned happily, "I got a card to transform wizard money into muggle money. That's smells delicious by the way."

Draco blushed lightly, "I'll make you some, sit."

Draco finished his and Harry's pancakes and place them down of the table to begin eating.

Andromeda gave Harry the car keys and Draco made sure he had an extra coat for Teddy and some snacks in Pansy's bag just in case.

When they were all at the door there was a loud crack and Harry couldn't help but grin. "I hope you don't mind Pansy but I invited someone else." He opened the door to reveal Alex standing there with a bright smile and the pin pointing at her.

Pansy jumped to hug Alex tightly making Alex tumble back a little. "I can't believe you're here!"

Alex chuckled, "it's all thanks to Harry, he convinced my parents on letting me come."

Draco finished strapping Teddy in his seat and called everyone to get on.

Harry started the engine and they were off to start their day.

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