Chapter 16

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Draco woke up in soft silk sheets the next morning confused of what had happened. Suddenly he felt a cold wet rag on his forehead.

"Rise and shine you wanker." Theo slapped his cheek lightly.

"Don't abuse my boyfriend." Harry advised.

Draco couldn't help chuckling tiredly. "What happened?"

"Theo brought you back here and we took care of you."Harry explained. "How do you feel?"

"Like I was a bloody werewolf. Theo can you go away?"

Theodore rolled his eyes. "I feel the love Mate. At least you asked."

"Thank you."

Theo smirked at Harry and left them alone.

"Come cuddle with me." Draco opened his arms as an invitation.

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco bringing his close to his chest tucking his head under his chin. Draco smiled at Harry's scent and instantly curled up to him. "You're too beautiful Draco. Scars and all."

"I'm tired." Draco yawned. "Let's take a nap."

Harry chuckled softly. "Whatever you wish."

Draco slept for an hour or so but he woke up and went to shower. After the warm soothing shower he noticed Harry was still sound asleep so he decided to let him sleep some more.

Draco went down to get Hermione and they went down to the kitchen. "I want to surprise Harry and I want to make something for him."

Hermione smiled softly. "What do you want to make?"

"I don't know something fast and easy." Draco answered.

"We could make a salad, Eaton Mess and sausage rolls." Hermione suggested. "It's very delicious and it won't take long. You slice some strawberries and vegetables whilst I work on the meat and all."

"Thank you."


Once everything was done Draco transfigured a spoon to a basket and Hermione got him a blanket.

"You go for Harry and I'll set up everything." Hermione kisses his cheek and walked outside to place everything in order.

Draco ran to his dorm where Harry was still asleep. He must've stayed up all night Draco assumed.

He climbed on top of Harry and began kissing his face softly. Harry whimpered waking up and wrapping an arm around Draco. "How long did I sleep?"

"A few hours and I was getting hungry so I woke you up." Draco rolled his hips a bit. "And now I can tell you're very awake."

Harry blushed. "For someone who's a virgin you have a big sex drive sometimes."

Draco hid his face in Harry's chest. "Can we Please not talk about that?"

Harry stroked his hair softly. "Sorry for making you uncomfortable."

Draco kissed his jawline. "Get changed. I have something planned."

Harry chuckled. "Get off me git so I can get changed."

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