Chapter 6

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"Truth or dare Draco." Hermione smiled innocently. They had started playing truth or dare after Hermione had explained and helped apply face masks.

"Dare." Draco wiggles his eyebrows playfully.

"I dare you to dye the tips of your hair your favourite colour." Hermione snickered imagining him with green hair.

"You're a devil." Draco charmed the tips of his hair pink. "What? Blaise did a prank on me and turned my black robe for death eater pink. That's when I noticed that my arse looked great in pink and my eyes looked better with it. Truth or dare Weaslette."


Draco smirked. "I dare you to kiss the best looking person in this room."

Ginny rolled her eyes and gave Luna a kiss on the cheek. "Did that hurt your ego Draco?" Draco just grumbled. "Truth or dare Pansy."


"Is it true that you've hooked up with the ferret here?"

"Wha- HEY!" Draco crossed his arms.

"Ew. False. I would never hook up with him." Pansy shuddered at the thought. "I really only used him to make Blaise jealous. Anyway, truth or dare lovegood."

Luna thought about it for a bit. "Truth."

Pansy smiled. "Is it true that you paint a lot." Luna nodded. "That's really cool."

"Thank you Pansy. Truth or dare Astoria."


Luna pondered for a bit. "Is it true you went on a date with Draco recently."

Astoria shook her head. "No. He was just giving me advice on Theo. Truth or dare Hermione."

"Dare." Everyone looked at her like she had grown another head.

"I dare you to dance to a muggle song."

Hermione stood up and put the radio on and started dancing for a bit. "Let's do something else."

"Let's talk about boys." Draco said in a high pitch tome clapping his hands together. The girls laughed along with him.

The girls started talking about their boyfriends/ crushes. "Who do you like Malfoy?" Ginny asked. "Who's the unlucky girl?"

Draco chuckled. "Many unlucky girls. All I'm saying is that the person I like is in Gryffindor."

"Can we guess?" Luna asked.

"Go for it." Draco leaned back on the couch.

Ginny and Luna named many girls but Draco always shook his head. "Is it me?" Ginny asked panicked.

"Merlin no." Draco responded.

"I don't get it. We named every Gryffindor girl." Luna said. "Unless..."

"Unless indeed." Pansy chuckled. Draco looked away.

"Wait you're gay?" Ginny asked. Draco turned red and mumbled something. "I knew it! Do you like Harry?"

"Why would you think that?" Draco asked.

"You two always stare at each other. Besides you looked jealous when I went over for his birthday."

"If you tell anyone I'll kill you." Draco threatened.

"Don't worry Draco. What is said and confessed in girl night stays in girl night." Luna said.

"I feel like I infiltrated a pack of wolves." Draco admitted. Pansy and Astoria howled.

"Welcome to the pack Draco." Hermione smiled at him kindly. "Let's head on to sleep. Draco you can transfigure the couch into a bed." They all rinsed off the mask and Draco transfigured the couch. The girls on the other hand combined the beds and slept together.

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