Chapter 10

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Draco woke up earlier than Astoria, wishing that what had happened wasn't a dream. A few minutes later Harry walked in and sat in front of him with a lopsided smile. Draco blushed lightly and returned the smile. Harry pecked his lips both sighing contently. "How did you sleep?" Harry asked.

"Fine. The goodnight kiss helped." Draco admitted. "But what does it make us?"

Harry shrugged. "We could give it a try if you want." Draco nodded. "Excellent." Harry kissed Draco again. "Today is the match by the way."

"Get ready to get you butt kicked." Draco said.

"Hardly." Harry chuckled and left.

Pansy saw them kissing and decided to go get Hermione, Ginny, and Luna. They all went into the hospital wing to find Astoria and Draco eating and sat down to eat with them. "Is it true?" Hermione asked a very confused Draco. "You and Harry, that you two kissed."

"How did you find out?" Draco asked.

"I saw you two." Pansy admitted. "We wanted to make sure to hear the story. In between girls we tell each other everything and you're like the baby of this pack."

"As long as I'm cute." Draco joked, all of them laughed. "Yes we kissed. Last night he came to check on me and he said something about almost losing me and then he just kissed me. Today in the morning he did almost the same and we agreed that we were going to try it out."

"I really hope it works out." Ginny said smiling at Draco. "You deserve it."

"Thank you Weaslette. By the way, you and Pansy should go get ready for Quidditch." The girls nodded and went off. Draco's smile turned into a frown. " I don't get it. I heard Harry say that he wouldn't go out with me in a million years."

"Maybe he never meant that but I think you should talk to him." Hermione said giving him a comforting smile. Draco nodded at the idea and sighed. "I can assure you he didn't mean that."

"Hello ladies, it's nice seeing you care about your friends. Now I know you two have a game to watch so you can go get ready just drink the potions next to your beds please." Madam Pomfrey left to her office to get papers. "These are your notes, your friends were in charge of giving them to you."

Astoria grabbed her things and walked out to wish Theo good luck and hug Blaise who she hadn't hugged. Draco walked out with Hermione and Luna who waited for him to get changed. When they got to the pitch they separated to their respective stands. The game started and Gryffindor was in the lead by 50 points. Harry and the Slytherin seeker were head to head chasing the snitch. Draco smiled looking at Harry. His uniform outlined his muscles perfectly and his raven hair was blown back by the wind gracefully. Both of the seekers reached out for the snitch causing them both to tumble forward. The other seeker searched for te snitch in his robes in case he caught it but then he saw the Gryffindor with the snitch in the air.

Draco waited for his friends outside the dressing room with Astoria. Harry saw him and tapped on his shoulder. "You owe me a butter beer."

Draco chuckled. "Yeah yeah. Go shower you smell." Harry rolled his eyes playfully and left.

"Are you going to talk to him?" Astoria asked. "About what you heard."

Draco sighed. "Yeah I guess I should. Later though."

Harry and Draco went to their common room once they finished their lunch. Draco laid his head on Harry's legs when they plopped down on the bed . Harry smiled and played with Draco's hair . "Harry?"

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