Chapter 13

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Draco had begged Harry to skip lunch to study. Harry agreed and both sat down on their couch with their books open. Draco sat on Harry's legs and snuggled back to his chest. Needless to say that Harry loved this side of Draco, especially now that he was smaller. Draco read his book writing down notes on the margins. An hour passed and Harry was getting bored. He places his head on Draco's shoulder and sighed. "I get it." Draco said finally closing his book and putting it down on the table. He turned around and straddled Harry's hips. Harry's hands instantly went on Draco's waist resting them there.

"Are you ticklish?" Harry asked smirking. Draco shook his head. "Really?"

Draco laughed nervously and got off of him. "I'm going to go now." Harry stood up and chuckled. Draco put his hands in front of him. "No please." Draco began running around with Harry chasing him. "Harry!" He squealed when Harry caught him picking him up.

"Relax Draco. I'm not going to tickle you." Harry chuckled putting Draco down. "I just quite enjoy this new height of yours."

Draco glared at him playfully. "Don't get a big head Potter."

"Come on let's get to dinner." Harry said grabbing Draco's hand. Draco pouted and shook his head looking at his boyfriend with pleading eyes. "Draco you can't skip dinner."

Draco pouted, "please Harry. I don't want to be surrounded by people right now." He walked closer to Harry and wrapped his arms around his waist and looked up at him. "They're there."

Harry's jaw clenched slightly angry at the person who made Draco feel bad. "Fine. I'll ask Dobby." Draco nodded and let go of Harry and went to their dorm.

Draco sighed and went to Harry's closet grabbing one of his muggle shirts. He smiled, Draco unlike Harry had a slimmer figure and now smaller size making Harry's clothes fit much bigger. Draco pulled off the sweater and changed to Harry's baby blue long-sleeve shirt that covered his arse perfectly. Draco smirked and took off his pants kicking them to the side of his bed. He crawled into his bed knowing Harry would bring dinner there for them to eat. Draco buried his feet under his silk covers and waiting patiently for Harry.

When Harry walked in with a tray of food he chuckled. "Is that my shirt?"


Harry smiled softly at him and walked over to him. He set the tray down and leaned in to kiss Draco catching a glimpse of  his pale skin of his legs. "How do you feel?"

Draco sighed and but his lip. "Better." Harry nodded and sat next to him putting the food between them. The boys ate quietly until Draco broke the silence. "Harry, you're not getting tired of me right? Do you actually want to be with me?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head about anything Draco." Harry smiled at him softly. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I'm also sorry about freaking out today." Draco mumbled.

"It's alright, it wasn't your fault." Harry kissed Draco's forehead lightly. "Can you tell me about your panic attacks?"

Draco nodded and place the empty plate of food aside curling up next to Harry. "They are awful, Pansy is the only one that knows about them. It gets hard to breathe because everything is just so overwhelming and that causes for my heartbeat to quicken."

Harry wrapped an arm around Draco resting it on his stomach. "How can I help? I don't like seeing you like how I saw you."

"I don't know. I like how you comforted me. That helped." Draco admitted.

"Ok." Harry kissed the top of Draco's head. "I'm here if you need to talk Draco. That's all part of being together." Draco nodded slightly. "I bought you something."

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