Chapter 18

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Draco checked his bags one last time and it was driving Harry crazy. "Draco, you've checked ten times already, I'm sure you have everything."

Draco plumped down next to Harry. "I know but I need to make sure, I can't forget any presents. I already sent the Weasleys some presents and it hurt my balance and I'm sure they're confused." Draco sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm a mess."

Harry wrapped an arm around him and pulled his close. "I don't mind," he lied, "honestly. I just think you should relax. Tomorrow we're leaving and it may not be as perfect as you imagine in some aspects but it'll be our little perfect."

Draco nodded softly. "Pansy is coming with us. She doesn't have anywhere else to celebrate."

Harry nodded kissing Draco on the cheek. Draco chuckled and grabbed Harry's cheek examining the stubble. "You better shave for tomorrow. I want you to look neat. It's not that I don't like the way you look but I think it'll be a better impression."

Harry rolled his eyes playfully kissing Draco fully on the mouth. "I'll go shave right now."

Draco blushed, "I'm going to check on Pansy."


Draco asked around for Pansy and now found himself outside the Alex's dorm. Draco smiled shaking his head knowingly and knocked two times on the door.

Alex answered wearing a skirt with a sweater and thick wool socks and a cup in hand. The pin was now pointed at the She section and Draco made a note of that.

"Hello Draco, are you here for Pansy?" Alex stepped aside to let him pass by even if he didn't answer right away.

"Thank you, I like your outfit." Draco smiled at Alex and stepped in.

"You're sweeter than what people say." Alex smiled brightly at him. "Would you want some tea? You could say and talk if you want, you seem awfully stressed."

Draco nodded. "Only if I'm not interrupting anything."

"No, you're not interrupting. Besides I think it'll be nice to meet some of Pansy's friends." Alex handed Draco a cup of tea and sat down next to Pansy who hadn't spoken a word. "How are you two going to spend the holidays?"

Pansy leaned into Alex and Alex put an arm around her unconsciously. Draco smirked taking a sip from his tea. "We are going to be with my aunt and so is my boyfriend. You can come over any day if you want."

Alex shook her head lightly. "I don't know if I can. My family is very into our Jewish celebrations and I don't think they'll allow me to spend a day away. Don't get me wrong, they like being open to new ideas but also believe that we should all stay together for certain celebrations."

Pansy tugged on Alex's sweater to get her attention and mouthed something. Draco raised an eyebrow knowing Pansy wasn't normally this quiet.

"Pans, are you alright?"

Pansy shook her head and silently pleaded with her eyes for Alex to explain.

"Someone hit her with a silencing jinx and so she can't talk. We went to check if it was going to last long and it won't. Just 24 hours." Alex served Pansy more tea kissing her head as she handed it to her. "It was this morning, I'm sure she'll be fine and talking again by tomorrow."

Draco nodded and continued to change topics here and there until Pansy yawned. It was night but Pansy was exhausted from not being able to talk and would like a nap. Draco excused himself and Alex kissed his cheek goodbye and gave him a candy before carrying Pansy to probably the bed.

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