Chapter 22

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This chapter contains semi-smut ????????

Teddy ran out of his room first thing in the morning and went to Harry and Draco's room and jumped on the bed squeezing between them in the middle of the night. Draco and Harry immediately woke up and made some space for Teddy who was whimpering. "What's wrong Ted?" Draco asked sleepily.

"Monsters." The little kid whimpered.

Harry turned on the light on his wand and put his glasses on. "Do you want me to check here so you can fall asleep peacefully with us?" Teddy nodded and Harry smiled at him fondly. He looked in the closet and bathroom and every corner of the room and even under the bed. "It's all clear but if you want I can go get your night light and put it here so you know it's safe. What do you say?"

Teddy smiled and nodded curling next to Draco. Harry came back and plugged the night light in and went back to bed hugging both Teddy and Draco making Teddy feel even safer. Draco fell asleep peacefully enjoying the moment.

When the morning came, Teddy bounced on the bed waking both Harry and Draco up from their slumber. Harry picked Teddy up and plopped him on the bed making the little kid giggle. "Good morning to you too Teddy. How about you go wake up the rest up and we get some breakfast?"

Teddy nodded excitedly and ran down the corridor. Draco looked at Harry adoringly, he was good with Teddy and that made him feel excited for an unknown reason. Harry blushed and leaned down to kiss his boyfriend slowly.

"Harry, can we try something?" Draco said shyly and scared.

Harry looked and him confused but nodded. "What do you want to try?"

Draco turned red faced and got up to close the door and lock it. "What we were doing at Hogwarts before I freaked out but not that overwhelming."

Harry blushed deeply, "of course but you need to tell me to stop if it becomes too overwhelming and no matter what it is we'll stop. Don't hesitate." Draco nodded comprehensively. "Lay down and let me do something that might not be so overwhelming for you but tell me if you feel otherwise."

Draco laid back down on the bed and Harry leaned down to kiss him softly to get him to relax. His hands was on Draco's stomach under his clothing massaging him to keep him relaxed. His hand and mouth traveled down a little, "is this ok with you?" Draco nodded still feeling relaxed. His hand progressed down to the waistband of his pyjamas, "Can I?" Draco hesitantly nodded. Harry looked at him adoringly, "do you want to stop?" Draco shook his head immediately, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, please continue."

Harry kissed his forehead, "alright but tell me if something doesn't feel good and if you want we can change it."

Draco nodded again and Harry proceeded to pleasuring his boyfriend and casting a charm to make sure no one could hear.
Draco moaned softly  and blushed embarrassed.

Harry kissed him slowly, "You're so hot, relax I'm not going to hurt you. If you need to stop just tell me."

Draco moaned a little louder and gripped Harry's shoulders. He felt something unfamiliar building up in him and he moaned loud and clear for Harry. "Harry, I don't know what happening, it feels good."

Harry chuckled, "let go Draco, don't be embarrassed, it happens to everyone."

Draco arched and moaned loudly before panting from his high. Before he could say anything, Harry kissed him lovingly. His hand tried reaching out to do the same for Harry but his hand was caught. "Just you for now. I want you to feel more secure about yourself and not feel pressured to do anything. Can I clean you up or do you want to do that?"

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