Chapter two

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Next week Hermione had asked Harry to go buy food to far a chance to get the two Slytherins involved in the 'surprise'. "Where's Harry?" Draco asked.

"He went out. Now sit." Hermione served the two Slytherin bacon and eggs. "So tomorrow we are celebrating his birthday! I need your help. Theo can you help me decorate?" Theo gave her a thumbs up and continued eating. "Good. Draco I need you to distract Harry. You should wear a watch that will beep when it's time to come back here. Please make sure he doesn't suspect anything."

"Sure." Draco answered trying to hide his excitement.

The next day Draco convinced Harry to go to Diagon Alley with him. Draco went to his room first thing in the morning. "Wake up birthday boy!"

Harry stretched and put his glasses on. "Morning." Draco smiled at Harry and hurried him to get dressed. "What's the rush?"

"Let's go to Diagon Alley." Draco said.

"Why?" Harry asked as they walked down the stairs.

"I'm going to buy you something of your own appeal!" Draco announced.

"You really don't have to." Harry admitted serving both of them bowls of cereal. "Honestly."

"Nope, I'm not taking any of that shit. I'm going to buy you something and you'll fucking love it." Draco began eating with a smirk playing at his lips. Harry chuckled and smiled at Draco before beginning to eat.

Hermione walked into the kitchen with her hair looking wild and tissues on her robe pockets. "Harry Happy Birthday." Hermione said through a stuffy nose.

"Don't take this the wrong way but you look awful. Do you want to postpone the dinner for another time?" Harry asked standing up for another bowl.

"Yeah I think that's for the best." Hermione said. Harry turned around and Draco gave her a confused look. She smiled and winked. Draco nodded knowing they had to continue on with the plan.

"Hope you get better Hermione." Draco mumbled still not used to calling her by her first name.

"Thanks Draco. You two continue with your plans." Hermione smiled at them and began eating.

"Feel better Mione." Harry kissed her forehead. Draco saw and looked away feeling a pang. "Ready Mate?"

"Yeah sure let me just clean these up. I'll meet you outside." Draco said as if it was no big deal what just happened.

Harry nodded and walked off. Hermione looked at Draco and smirked. "Are you feeling alright Draco?"

"Yes why wouldn't I be?" Draco shrugged it off. Hermione raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow. "Fine! No I don't feel alright."

"Stop acting so jealous and go with him." Hermione teased.

"I'm not jealous." Draco lied. "Fine I am. He kissed your forehead and he barely-"

"Draco! Are you coming or not?" Harry asked.

"Go Draco." Hermione winked.

"Coming." Draco announced. Draco grabbed his wand and headed towards Harry. "Let's go." Harry nodded and grabbed his hand to apparate causing for a blush to creep onto both their cheeks. Draco let go of his hand and composed himself. Harry looked down feeling a strangely disappointed that Draco had let go of his hand but decided to not go into that. "Where do you want to go first?"

"Joke shop!" Harry said excited. Draco chuckled and put a hand on Harry's shoulder guiding him to the store.

"I should probably wait outside." Draco commented when they got to the store.

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