Chapter 19

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Draco woke up without a shirt and found a sweaty and very shirtless harry by his side. He didn't mind it but he did want to have a quick shower so he wouldn't smell like sweat when he saw his aunt. "Harry, we need to shower." Harry mumbled something incoherent. "Come on. Wake up."

"Let me sleep whilst you shower." Harry whined pulling his boyfriend to him.

Draco gasped and blushed when he felt their morning wood together. "Harry, I'm uncomfortable." Harry immediately slid away from him making some space between them. "I'm going to shower and you better be ready to shower yourself."

Harry nodded and waited patiently for his turn to shower. He didn't like that he had made Draco feel uncomfortable, he had to remember not to do that anymore.

Hegwid was still sleeping, she must've been tired from helping him deliver gifts.

Draco got out with the bathrobe tightly around him and told Harry to go and shower.


Once on the train Draco got into an empty compartment and waited for everyone else. Pansy was the first to get there with Alex, both now wearing reindeer sweaters. Harry came in and sat next to Draco and kissed him on the cheek. "I got you a chocolate frog."

Draco blushed but happily took the candy from him. When he opened it and caught the frog he saw that Harry was on his card. "You look hot here."

Harry looked over at it and smiled, "I have a card now. That's wicked."

Slowly some of their friends filled the compartment and some went to another compartment.

Draco put his head on Harry's shoulder and sighed happily. He was finally going to spend Christmas with him. Draco wasn't very proud to admit that he had dreamt about it multiple times over the years and he was very convinced this was a dream. 

He looked over at Pansy who  had Alex curled up next to her almost asleep. She played with Alex's hair braiding it and undoing it.

Draco was extremely happy for them, they were so happy together and Alex looked at Pansy like she was the world. He saw Pansy enjoyed being around Alex and was always happy to drop anything to be with Alex, except when she was with Draco.

Hermione and Ron sat across from each other due to the lack of space and talked about anything and everything with Harry listening to them and occasionally inputting a comment or two.

Draco excused himself to go to the loo. On his way there he bumped into Blaise.

"Sorry." Blaise mumbled before passing by him but Draco gabbed him by the arm.

"Hope you have a good holiday break."

Blaise looked surprised but smiled back and hugged Draco unexpectedly. "I'm so sorry. I'm really dumb. I messed up."

Draco hugged Blaise back missing his friend. "You were an idiot. You cheated on the best girl in the whole world. You have to go to her and beg down on your knees for her forgiveness. I'm going to the loo before you do anything."

Two minutes later Draco and Blaise walked back together to where Pansy was. "I broke up with her, Daphne. She spelled me."

"Pansy is dating someone new. She won't take you back." Draco informed him.

Blaise shrugged. "I never expected for her to take me back. I just need her forgiveness, she is my friend after all."

They entered the compartment and Pansy automatically glared at Draco. "What is he doing here?"

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