Chapter 3

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Another month passed and it was time to go back to Hogwarts. Ron and Ginny waited for Harry at the other side of the platform. Pansy ran and hugged Draco and Theo. After that Blaise walked in and Pansy jumped to his arms. Blaise wrapped his arms tightly around her and picked her up to spin around. Ron helped Hermione with her bags and walked with her to the prefects compartment, Hermione was now the headgirl, with Ginny following close behind. Luna walked with Harry to an empty compartment. The Slytherins sat with them comfortably. Draco sat with Harry  on one side and Theo and Luna on the other side. Blaise and Pansy were in the prefects compartment. Draco, the headboy, decided not to go knowing he would get criticised. Theo had fallen asleep meanwhile Luna was reading The Quibbler. Draco face Harry and they talked about Quidditch.

In the feast nothing new happened except for the news that Seamus and Dean were now together.

"Can all the 7th and 6tg years please stay behind." McGonagal announced. Everyone else left and the ones that stayed moved up. "You lot will not have your usual common rooms. You will actually be sharing a dorm with another person of another house. The parchments appearing in front of you will reveal your roommate. Once you are ready you may leave."

"Who did you guys get?" Harry asked.

"Pansy." Hermione answered.

"I got Blaise." Ron informed.

"Luna!" Ginny said excitedly. "Who did you get Harry?"

"Draco." He answered. "Let's get going." Harry opened his dorm and walked in finding Draco asleep on the couch with a book on his chest. Harry chuckled and grabbed the book and bookmarking it. He noticed how his hair had grown and it fell on his eyes perfectly. He knew that moving him would be complicated so he grabbed a blanket and placed it over Draco's body. Harry then left to his room and crashed in his bed.

Draco woke up finding a blanket on top of him and his book in the table besides the couch. He stood up and went to thank Harry. When he opened the door to their shared room he found him messily spread out on his bed with his glasses off and his hair sticking out in every direction. Draco couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable Harry looked. Draco unpacked his things and helped Harry with his whilst Harry was asleep. "Harry is time to wake up." Draco whispered shaking Harry lightly. Harry groaned and stood up trying to find his glasses that Draco had and put them on him. Harry blushed beetroot red and got out of bed. "Get changed we have to get to breakfast." Draco went to his own side of the room and got dressed.

Harry could see through his mirror Draco muscular chest making him blush even more. He didn't know why the sudden appreciation for Draco but it didn't seem to stop. Harry needed to talk about it and so he rushed out the door not bothering to make his hair any less messy. He looked for Ron who was eating with Hermione, Blaise and Pansy. "Mate can I talk to you after breakfast?"

Ron whipped his mouth. "We can go talk now if you're not hungry."

"I'll take a toast and we'll go." Harry said smiling.

They went outside and sat under a tree. "What's up mate?" Ron asked.

"Well..... is it bad that I might like umm boys?" Harry said blushing.

"No mate. I had my suspicions if I'm being honest. Did you know that same sex couples adopt the homeless kids we have in the wizard world? Anyway, who do you like?" Ron winked teasingly.

"Promise you won't get mad." Harry felt a bit insecure.

"Why would I? Tell me."

"Draco." Harry whispered.

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