Chapter 26

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Draco felt giddy when they left to Blaise's Manor. Draco showed teddy his new dragon.

After a whilst, Teddy fell asleep on the sofa they were on and Draco let him sleep.

He got up and went to look for Harry when he heard his laugh along with his friends', mother's and aunt's.

"Wait so he didn't like his room because the shade of green wasn't like my eyes?"  Harry knew about that story now, Draco sighed remembering.

He was young and had a massive crush on the hero everyone talked about. Harry Potter. He heard about his eyes and knew the exact shade of green they were. It became his favourite colour before Blaise's prank. His father gave him opportunity to renew his room after he was doing well with his studies. He of chose green, his father complied saying how he should get used to that colour as he was going to be a Slytherin. His mother surprised him  with his new room but Draco didn't like it. It wasn't the right colour and when he complained he got a punishment from his father.

Draco winced and picked up his shirt to see the scar that was left from that.

"I dared Draco in fourth year during the ball to not even mention your name. As soon as he saw you he lost it. He went on and on about how hot saint Potter was." Pansy laughed, "if it wasn't for Blaise he would've gone and danced with you. Or hexed you."

Draco bit his lip not knowing if he should interrupt now or not. Then he heard his mother,

"I think my son was very lucky to be paired up with you for the redemption act. It's been two years since I've seen him smile like this. I think his friends can agree that he's never been this happy and carefree or even in love." Draco peeked in and saw his mother smile softly at his boyfriend. "There's going to be many challenges, many people that don't agree, many things that will make it seem like it's impossible but if you two stay together it will get better. Lucius did some horrible things when he went mad, be patient with Draco."

Then Harry nodded, "I know you know I love your son and I want to protect him. I promise I will do the best on my part because I do want this. All of these stories are great! I know he'd get embarrassed but I think it's cute. He also had a positive impact on my life, he helped me get closure with some deaths."

Draco peaked again to see his mother beaming, "thank you."

Harry caught Draco's eyes and blushed, "how much did you hear?"

Draco smirked and walked over to Harry wrapping his arms around him. He kissed his cheek softly, "just enough to know that you now know way too much."

Harry chuckled, "How about my friends tell you embarrassing stories about me?"

"Intriguing but I'll pass, I want to hear them from you." Draco winked at Harry and walked off to make some tea.

Draco gave everyone permission to continue telling Harry stories. Sometimes he would comment how embarrassing some were but Harry always kissed his cheek lovingly.

Soon Teddy even joined the fun, clapping his hands after every story.

Pansy was the first one to leave to shower. Harry and Draco offered to make something to eat and everyone left to do their thing.

"Did you really have
cut-outs of me from The Daily Prophet?" Harry asked as he passed Draco the ingredients.

Draco nodded, "it's in a box back at the manor, I'm lucky father didn't find them." Draco eyes his boyfriend, "tell me a story like that about yourself."

Harry blushed, "well, I have this map. My dad and his friends did it and it shows the exact location of everyone at Hogwarts." Draco nodded listening closely, "I used to use it so I could know where you were and it became a habit of mine. I remember how I spent a lot of time just looking at your name."

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