Chapter 27

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New Year's Eve came quickly. The small family went out for a walk in the morning.

Harry took pictures of everyone all day long. He loved how carefree Draco could be and he wanted to just capture it.

Draco pulled Harry aside from his family and hugged him tightly. "You know, we don't really do much for today. Especially with a little kid having to sleep early. If you want you can go to the Weasleys. I would accompany you but I would like for you to have fun with them alone."

"Are you sure?" Harry asked carefully.

Draco nodded and placed his arms gracefully around Harry's neck. "I think it'll be good for you and for them to accept me."

Harry looked at him lovingly and pulled Draco closer. Draco instantly felt warmer and leaned in a little. "What are you going to do?"

Draco shrugged, "drink a little, play something with Pansy and Blaise. I'll find things to entertain me."

Harry chuckled softly, "I'll go but I promise I'll be back by midnight so you won't have to stay up."

Draco shook his head, "stay there for as much time as you please. I'll be ok without you for a bit." Draco smirked and grabbed the sides of Harry's coat, "Are you going to kiss me now or are you going to continue drooling over me?"

"I think I like the first option best." Harry said playfully and pulled his boyfriend towards him.


Draco helped his boyfriend getting ready. Making sure he took a fine wine that he bought that afternoon with him so that the others would try it.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Harry asked hugging his boyfriend goodbye.

Draco kissed him gently, "I'm sure. You enjoy this with your family. I'll see you later."

"I love you."

Draco smiled, "I love you too. Now go, I don't want you to be late or anything like that. Have fun, don't worry about me."

Harry chuckled and kissed Draco again, this time with a little more passion. Draco's cheeks turned pink as he tried to catch up to the unexpected kiss.

Harry gave him a goofy smile as he broke the kiss, "bye."

Harry flooed away leaving Draco's lips tingling for more. He thought back to their recent activities and bit his lip. Draco chuckled and shook his head joining his family in the living room.

Him and his family spent time together saying their highlights of their year.

Draco felt happier than ever. This was his family, broken, with defects and dark past but it was his.

He glanced to his mother, he knew she was trying to act like nothing was wrong but he knew that wasn't true. When he was told about the curse he wanted to break up with Harry to safe his mother but she told him not to. She explained that she wasn't going to live forever anyway and she preferred dying seeing her son happy with someone than die swing her son regretting everything. Draco was thankful for her and they agreed to enjoy the time they had left together.

His mum curled up in the couch with her tea and smiled brightly at what Pansy was saying.

She was happy for everyone. Even with everything going on, she was happy. It was the purest smile Draco had ever seen on his mother.

Teddy decided to draw on Draco's arm which he allowed. Soon it was covered with tiny flowers that covered his dark mark completely. Draco smiled down at Teddy and held out his other arm. Teddy beamed and continued his art work.

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