Chapter 12

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Hermione never had this much fun sneaking around the castle. When Pansy and her made it out of the castle to a safe and tall tree she let out a laugh. "Granger not that loud." Pansy hissed.

"Sorry." Hermione smiled at her innocently. "Why did we climb a tree?"

"You don't want to get detention from Flitch now do you?" Pansy raised her eyebrow and Hermione shook her head. "Good now enjoy the view."

The next morning both girls looked tired but happy during breakfast. Ron tried to bring it up to Hermione but she didn't hear him since Pansy was doing a fairly good impersonation of Draco. "I don't say that anymore Pansy." Draco whined and pouted.
"When have I said 'my father will hear about this' during this year?"

"You just did blondie." Pansy winked at him Draco huffed and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder. "Come on Dray you know I'm only playing around."

"Fine. Do Granger now." Draco said.

Pansy rolled her eyes and got books out. "Honestly you two need to start studying and stop getting in trouble." Pansy flipped through the pages and then looked up at Hermione. "Or else we might get killed or worse expelled."

Hermione chuckled. "That was one time but I got to admit it was pretty good. Do Ron."

Pansy went to sit next to her and wrapped an arm around Hermione's waist and grabbed some bacon. "You're all invited to my house for Christmas because no one deserves to be alone." She took a bite out of the bacon and widened her eyes. "Bloody hell this is good bacon."

Ron smiled at Pansy. "Not bad. It was fairly believable. Now can you let go of my girlfriend."

Hermione choked on her drink, she wasn't sure if she wanted to be his girlfriend yet. They barely went out for a date. Pansy hit her gently on the back trying to help her. "Try to breath and steady yourself."

Hermione stood up and covered her mouth. "I think I'm going to be sick." Pansy and the other three girls guided her to the restroom.

"Well that was awkward." Theo pointed out receiving a glare from the redhead. "Well not as awkward as the daily Prophet today. Apparently you two were caught kissing by a secret helper of Rita Skeeter." He told Draco and Harry. "My money is on the traitor."

Harry noticed people looking at them weirdly and he didn't like how some were shooting glares at Draco. He wrapped a protective arm around the slim Slytherin making him blush. "What do you guys have planed for today?" Draco asked trying to not make a big deal out of it.

"Neville wants me to go with him get something for his grandma." Ron said as he get up to leave.

Theo stretched in his seat. "I'm going to the special detention I got because I'm special. Also because I charmed Flitch into looking like a worm."

"That's fun mate next time I'll like to see that." Draco mentioned.

Theo smiled, "yeah I'll make sure you're present for the next time mate. Detention will be a lot better with you in it."

Draco chuckled nodding. "What about you Harry? What do you have planned?"

"Nothing maybe spend sometime with my new boyfriend?" Harry gave Draco a flirtatious smile.

"Don't get cheesy Potter." Draco said in a fake sour voice. "You should go with your friends though, I see your face every day when I wake up and when I go to sleep. They only see your face when you're in class."

Harry kissed his cheek not minding if everyone was watching but Draco blushed furiously and tried to hide his face. Harry chuckled and kissed his cheek again. "You're cute when you blush. Especially if you're wearing my sweater."

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