Chapter 14

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Harry woke up confused as why he had a slight weight on his chest. He opened his eyes to find a certain blond still hugging him tightly in his sleep. "No don't." Draco cried in his sleep. "Harry please." He dug his nails into the fabric. "Don't leave."

Harry winced but leaned down to kiss Draco's forehead to wake him up. "I'm right here Draco."

Draco's pale blond eyelids flew open, "you heard that?" Harry swore he heard embarrassment in his voice. Instead of answering he kissed Draco's quivering lips gently loving the spell he casted on them last night as he now sucked on his lower lip. Draco changed his position to straddle Harry and let out a soft and strangled moan scaring himself making him jump back from the kiss. "That was embarrassing." He laughed nervously feeling the heat coming up his face.

Harry chuckled, "That was hot." He smirked as Draco's cheeks grew redder. He leaned back up and captured Draco's lips once again.

The door opened and two girls squeaked covering their eyes. Draco and Harry froze for a moment and then they slowly pulled apart to see Hermione and Pansy still covering her eyes. Draco blushed furiously, "Pansy!"

"Is it safe to look? Are you two off of each other?" Pansy asked.

Draco slid down from Harry grumpily. "Now we are." Hermione and Pansy uncovered their eyes and giggled. Draco then noticed they were both not wearing their uniforms. "So we don't have classes today?"

"Nope, all of us are going to pitch in ideas for our 7th year Halloween party." Hermione answered with a grin on her face.

"Yeah and we're going shopping for supplies with you two." Pansy added.

"But Draco's coming with me and Harry, you are going with Pans. You two go get ready." Hermione finished.

Pansy and Harry walked in silence for a whilst before Pansy got annoyed. "So I guess I'm going to have to ask why my best friend looks sad. Talk."

Harry sighed. "I came back to our room yesterday after shopping and he started to worry about our relationship and then his appearance. He had an anxiety attack and we didn't go to lunch or dinner since he didn't want to see a person. He didn't tell me who." Harry glanced over at Pansy. "He told me that you know about his attacks."

"I do." Pansy admitted.

"Do you know why he'd question his appearance? He always looks great!"

Pansy put her hand on Harry's shoulder. "He Cares greatly about his appearance Harry. He started in 3th year to get your attention. I do his eyebrows, make his eyelashes look curly, his hair is his pride and he always has to look the best. That's why he enjoys being with Asty and I. Around us girls because he feels like he belongs there since we all care about how we look in one way or another. I know that's feminine from his part and stereotypical since he's gay but he's Draco. He'll always care how he looks. You should have seen him in his first few moons. I had to stay next to him at nights because he woke up crying because of the scars. It took weeks to get him eating like he should again! He needs to feel pretty so do me a favour and complement his appearance whenever you can." Pansy looked down at her feet. "I'm glad he found someone like you and thank you for taking care of him. He also had a tough life. What his father did unspeakable things to him." She shook heads head. "And today he's not sleeping with you. He needs a spa night with me." Pansy smiled when Harry nodded. "Good, now I'm thinking we buy black lace curtains for the doors."

Draco laughed at a joke Hermione had made about Harry's snoring. "You're right Mione," Draco mentally grinned for the fact he could call her that, "Harry does sound like a thunderbird giving birth"

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