Chapter 29

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Everyone was studying like crazy for their exams. Draco and Hermione were always found in the library with thousands of notes and books around them. They occasionally pulled their boyfriends to study with them sincere they weren't studying by themselves.

If it wasn't for Harry, Draco would stay awake and drain himself out as he studied.

It was Saturday now and Draco and his Slytherin friends went for some tea together.

"I'm so tired of studying," Pansy complained. "Alex and i don't have enough time to just talk and cuddle."

"How are we even going to get a job even if we have the bests grades? It's not like people have forgotten which side we fought on but they did forget that we were forced to." Theo sipped his tea angrily.

Blaise sighed, "I'm sure we'll find a way. We just do have to get so good and show people that we're not our parents and that we were forced into it."

Draco frowned, "how? People are literally staring at us right now with their wands at the ready. They don't trust us."

"Look our lives are screwed," Astoria started, "they were screwed from the time that we were put into Slytherin. We can either sit here and bitch about it or we can just move on and do our thing. It'll be hard as fuck but we can make it work. Our friends have our back."

"Let's go buy candy!" Draco exclaimed.

Blaise laughed, "you could drink the most bitter tea but you can't go a week without candy."

Draco shrugged, "I like candy."


The Slytherin Friends walked together to honeydukes when they came across with Daphne.

Daphne sneered at them and pushed past Pansy but she grabbed her wrist and twisted it. Daphne squealed in pain and tried to yank her hand away but Pansy didn't let her.

"Listen," Pansy said in a dangerously low voice, "I'm sick and tired of you pushing me around and bullying me. I will not take it anymore."

"Let go of me!" Daphne ordered.

"No! You're going to listen to me!" Pansy dragged Daphne away to a place that wasn't so visible and her friends followed. Pansy let go of Daphne and she pointed her want at her and her friends followed her lead. They could get into a lot of trouble but at least they'd do it together.

"You let a boy come between us Daphne. You were my best friend, you were to one closest to me. I trusted you more than anything. You told me you were going to have my back. You told me you'd be there for me. When I got te mark you told me that you were going to be my support. I never had anything from you. I was in a dark shitty place and you were never there." Daphne looked down ashamed. "Liar. You're a bloody liar! I told you when Blaise asked me out and I said no. Just for you. I stepped aside so you could date him. You let him come between us. Even after I was with him I tried talking to you. You pushed me away and tried to steal him from me. You optioned him and I still thought it was my fault. The worst part is that I forgave you through it all. I wanted to hate you so bad but I couldn't." Pansy held back her tears and walked away from Daphne. Draco followed her right away and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked.

Daphne looked down at her lap as Pansy and her friends walked away.


"That felt fucking fantastic," Pansy finally said. "I want some candy now."

The Slytherin Friends went to big candy and then walked around until they got hungry. They ate whatever they liked from there as it was the last Saturday there and next week they would finish their education and graduate and leave Saturday morning.

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