Chapter 11

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Harry and Draco walked to hogsmade together in silence. Harry had noticed Draco was quiet and with a worried and mad look. "What's wrong Draco? Don't try saying it's nothing because we both know something's bothering you."

"Pansy is having a thought time and I want to punch Blaise." Draco admitted.

"If you want we can postpone this and you can go with Pansy." Harry offered sincerely. Draco shook his head. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I wanted to do this for sometime now." Draco looked down to his shoes and tried to his his blush.

Harry chuckled. "I didn't tell you but I like how you look in muggle clothes."

"I look hot in everything." Draco teased opening the door to the three broomsticks for them to enter. Harry got a table and Draco got the butter beers. When Draco went back he place two butter beers on the table. "Are you a top or a bottom?" Draco asked sipping his drink. Harry choked on his drink making Draco laugh. "Bunk beds. I meant bunk beds."

"Top." Harry answered whipping his mouth. "Why?"

"Because we are going with Teddy for Christmas Eve and there's two spare rooms if Granger want to come. One has a bunk bed so I thought we'd leave Granger the bigger bed." Draco said with a child-like glint in his eyes. He was always looking like this when he talked about Teddy.

"Sound good to me." Harry smiled at Draco.

"One more thing. Please don't make Teddy feel bad."

Harry reached over the table and grabbed Draco's hand making him blush. "I promise I won't make him feel bad in any way." Draco made no attempt to hide his blush this time and didn't want to talk afraid he'd stutter. Instead he sipped his drink and kept quiet. Harry didn't let go of the pale soft hand liking how it felt against his. Both boys finished their drinks and walked out. "I've been thinking,"

"That could lead us into trouble but go ahead." Draco said in a cocky way.

"I want to present myself a certain way to your family."

"Which way?" Draco asked nervously.

"As your boyfriend." Harry said with confidence.

Draco's heart sped up and a blush crept up on his cheeks his hands fumbled with the sleeves on his sweater. "That'll be nice."

Harry leaned in to kiss his boyfriend. "Is Draco Malfoy shy?"

"Is Harry Potter an arse?" Draco smirked at Harry and kissed him. Draco's good mood didn't last long when he saw Blaise and Daphne laughing together. "That bastard is going to hear me now."

Draco marched ton Blaise and Daphne with Harry following close behind. Draco made himself look innocent and smiled at Blaise and Daphne. "What are you two doing here?"

Daphne clung onto Blaise's arm and giggled. "We're on a date."

Draco pretended to be surprised. "Oh! You are!" He turn to look at Blaise. "How long have you two been going out?"

"Well yesterday he asked me finally out after weeks and weeks." Daphne put a hand on Blaise's chest.

"Oh so I bet Pansy knows about this. Is that right Blaise?"

"Yes Blaise broke up with her three weeks ago." Daphne answered.

"Oh he did!" Draco chuckled. "Mate I need to tell you something." Draco forcefully grabbed Blaise's arm and guided him to the side. "I'm going to tell Pansy about this. She doesn't deserve to be treated this way and be happy that I'm not beating the shit out of you."

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