CH 3

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As soon as I blacked out, I felt as if my life had flashed before my eyes then it stopped. All of a sudden a little girl came running torward me. She looked my age, maybe even younger. But in her pale blue eyes, she looked as if she had the soul of someone my mothers age. She had light blonde hair in two braids down her back. She wore Reaping Day cothes but they were covered in dirt as if she had been sitting in the ground for almost twenty years....

All of a sudden it hit me like a brick wall. I know exactly who this is. I have seen her in pictures with my grandmother. My mother had nightmares about her. Primrose. Prim. My desceased aunt.

She started to speak. In a caliming, soothing voice she spoke softly," You will be okay, you will be alright." 

"I will be with you."

"Always?" I asked quiety thinking someone was watching me.

" I will always be with you, where ever you are, I will be with you." She said. Out of nowhere I woke up. The girl faded away. But I wanted to see her again. Then I see my father trying to calm my mother down as she is screaming in panic. I can see that he is about to do the same but trying his best not  to go insane. Darius is shaking me. Trying to get me to come back to him. I know I must. So I do.

"Prim!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "Prim, where are you?!?!"

My whole family stops there own panic to look at me. My mother turns to me. "What did you just say?" she said with multiple counts of hollowness in voice.

"Prim, she was just here, she was standing right there." I barely manage to get out, I am so shocked. I can' t conatin what was flying out of my mouth.

"What do you mean, she was right here?" my father tried to say in the most calming voice but I knew inside he trying to conatin himself from going on full mutt crazy.

"I saw her, she was wearing reaping day clothes, covered in dirt. She told me I was going to be okay, that she would be with me always." I try to say as calmly as possible without sounding crazy. I tried to explain to them what I saw when I blacked out. They all nodded like little school children.

This reminded me of when I was at school, I was 12 almost 13. So grade 7. We were finally old enough to watch some of the Hunger Games footage as part of our history class. I know my parents would never let me watch it because they would fear that I would have troubles like them. So when my teacher asked if I was okay to see it I lied and told her that it was okay for me to watch. Well I was wrong. Sure seeing my parents young was amazing because they were both gorgeous. My mother with her braided brown hair and fresh face. My father with his ash-blonde hair deep piercing eyes. My eyes. But that soon faded when the games began. When I saw the cut on my fathers leg. The tracker jacker stings on my mother. I couldn't handle it. I excused myself from class. Of course my whole class was staring at me. I ran to the bathroom in my school almost knocking out some kids that got in my way. I sat in there until my teacher came in and told me my mother was here. Mom was mad at me but father understood.

I soon dozed back to reality and realized my family was still staring at me. They told me that Haymitch had heard early news from President Paylor's son Tammin, who I heard was nice but didn't like his mothers new idea. They were going to broadcast the news tonight to all the districts. But Haymitch thought we should hear first.

After all the chaos, I decided to run.

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