CH 12

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I lay down on a cold, metal table only covered in a robe. The room smelled like lavender, which suprised me actually. I was awaiting my stylist to come and prepare me to be glamorous for my future audience. They already shaved me and washed me which I must mention the shaving was extremely painful but mother told me not to complain or they wil dislike me which means no sponsers.

I am greeted by a tall, rather plump man. He has bright gold hair, fair skin, and blush red as a rose.

"Hello. My name is Calloway and I will be your stylist." Said the plump man. I just kept staring not knowing what to say except hello but I didn't feel like talking.

"What is your name sweet child?" He said. I almost started to laugh at his Capitol accent but decided to try to remain silent and seem glum. But I had to talk sometime.

"Marigold. Marigold Mellark." I said very tediously. As soon as I said my name, Calloway's eyes lit up as if he just saw a brand new Capitol style outfit being displayed in front of him.

"Mellark? As in Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark? The star-crossed lovers from District 12?" He said already knowing the awswer.

I groaned out a yes and he nearly screamed. Then he got serious and said,"Ok, enough excitement, now let's get down to business."

I partially dazing out until he starts pulling out my costume. It's a very simple tight, spandex, black, shiny suit with little orange scales that he said would light up as we were waving to the crowd during the ceremonies. The most elegant piece of the outfit was the headress. It was a black tiara covered in ash and dark colored coal around it with orange tips and a giant mockingjay on the front. So much for trying to blend in and not be noticed as the mockingjay's daughter.

"This outfit is going ot resemble everything in your parents past including a touch of rebellion." He said as if it was a good thing. It is a pretty costume. I do enjoy a thing for beauty, just like my father. Even though the Capitol has some crazy stuff they sure know how to ignite someone's inner and outer beauty.

"Thank you Calloway." I said with true sincere to someone since the first time I got here.

I slowly slid on the suit and headress which I should add ways about 15 pounds. Then Calloway added touches of orange and black eyeshadow and bright orange mascara and finally my lips were a nice shade fo pink.

The last thing he did was my hair. Which he put into a simple braid going down my back but he laced it with orange and yellow ribbon that looked burnt. I feel the need to tell Calloway something. Something that I've never told anyone.

"Calloway?" I ask.

"Yes, what is it dear?"

"Sometimes I feel like I'm just a clone of my mother. I mean, we are different in many ways but to the people watching. Will I just be another Katniss Everdeen, Girl on Fire? I feel like that is all I am going to be seen as. Just a copy of my mother." I say slowly.

Calloway takes a minute or two to respond. "Sweetie, there will only be one Katniss Everdeen and she will be watching you from the sidelines hoping for you to make it back home. You are your own person. You may look like her but you are not your mother." He said with a different voice. Almost a normal voice which somewhat shocked me that his Capitol accent was fake.

"Calloway, why are you faking your accent?" I ask. He looks alarmed that I figured it out. But answers, "I am from District 8 and I wanted to be just like Cinna from the previous games. His work was so amazing, I wanted to do the exact same thing. I talk normally but if I wanted to be here, I had to fit in."

"Oh." was all I could say. I respect him. He wanted to follow his dream so badly that he did what he resented most to be here.

Calloway interuppted my thoughts. "Well, we are going to be late! We better leave now!" He said in his once fake accent and pushed me out the door to opening ceremonies.

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