CH 11

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That morning I woke up early. Then about ten minutes later I could Effie speaking,"Up, up up! It's a big, big, big day!"

I quickly hopped out of the clean, fresh bed and then I realized where I was. I walked to find a bright green dresser and pulled out gray silken pants and a bright purple shirt. So much for not trying to look like someone from the Capitol.

I walked over to the breakfast table and saw Griffin there. He was still in his pj's and his brown hair still very messy as if he just rolled out of bed. He probably did. Haymitch was also sitting there, it was weird that I didn't even notice him but I could see the intoxication in his eyes. My parents entered the room looking tired as ever.

"Good morning, you two. How did you guys sleep?" My father said giving me a wink. I could tell mother told him about our conversation last night. Great. That is just what I needed. My dad trying to give advice on my love life.

"Fine." I said just rolling my eyes away as my life depended on it. Wait, it did.

"So what's our approach for the games?" said Griffin. I didn't even know he would talk this early in the morning. 

"Well.... I was thinking... that you two should be close friends. Best friends actually." said Haymitch giving somewhat of a stare. I knew he directed this toward me. He could tell what I was thinking. That this in some way, some how, was going to end up like my parents all over again. No. Just friends. I can manage that.

Breakfast came in and interrupted my thoughts. Plates and plates of food came in, eggs, bacon, ham, bread, potatoes, fruit. Anything you could think of, it was there. I started shoving food on my plate thinking of who made all this food. I could see Effie giving me dirty looks along with my parents. Oh yea manners. I tried to eat like they would want me but when I took one bite I couldn't help myslef but just shoving food down. And it all tasted so good. I let a smile slip on my face and I could bet I looked really odd to the people around me.

Then the lights went out. I started to panic. I looked to my mother but she didn't look nervous. AT all. She just gave me a calming smile.

"Whats going on?!" I said with panic.

"Calm down, were just in the tunnel. That means were almost at the Capitol." said Haymitch annoyingly.

"Oh." The Capitol. I felt a shiver run down my spine. A day closer to my death. To my ultimate doom. Then I rememebred something that was really not on my mind right now. The night of the interviews would be my birthday. I would be sixteen. Oh joy. Do I look forward to that. Yea right because the next day would be my doom. My life in hell would be starting the day after my sixteenth birthday.

The lights came back on and I saw it. The Capitol. It was... beautiful. No way to describe possibly what I was seeing except for that. I ran to the window. I probably looked liked a little child in awe of what I saw out the clear, clear window. The place was completely covered in a metallic silver. Chrome no doubt. I had heard many stories about this place beyond my reach. But they were all nagative. About how this place was a jail. Sure I believed my parents but how could something so beautiful be so deadly? It confused me but I had a feeling I would soon learn how deadly this place would be in a matter of days. Maybe hours.

Moments later I could see people. Tons of people. They were all in weird clothes with bright colors, like Effie. They were all waving and smiling and cheering at me as if I were.... were.. I don't even know, who could hold that much power besides the president. I decided to wave and smile. You never know who might sponser you. Oh what my father has taught me...

Griffin decided to do the same. He was just as in much awe as I was. We had to act like friends, so I might as well start.

"So, what do you think?" I say with a bit of shock in my voice.

"Of what?" he said.

"Of.... of... everything."  I say looking into his eyes again. His deep, dark, sexy, green eyes. STOP IT! I gave myself a mental slap in the face. YOU CAN'T DO THIS. Friends. Thats it. No matter how sexy he wa--

SLAP! I checked to see if I actaully did that. I did. Now I could feel that I was blushing. Really blushing. I turned back to the window but I could feel his eyes on me. I could also sense that everyone else there had seen that. Oh god, did I just ruin everything with one motion of my hand? I sure hope not. I turned back to see my father staring at me his eyes bugged out as if he knew exactly what had just happened in my mind.

I gave dad a look saying go away, not a good time for you to be here right now. He seemed to have read that too and gave me a wink and walked out of the room. Good. He really isn't helping right now.

Haymitch comes in and ruins my thoughts.

"Okay you two, time to meet your stylists."

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