CH 10

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As the train started, Haymitch came out and took a good look at us. Of course he was holding a glass of green colored liquor.

"So who is our mentor?" Griffin asked. I ahd never heard his voice. It was deep. Even for a 15 year old.

"Well, things are going to be a little different this year. I will be one of your mentors and so will both of your parents.

"What? How? There should be only two." I say matter-of-factly.

"Well, oringinally there were two. But your father wouldn't go without your mother and we didn't have any other choices. And we needed two. So now we have three. Okay?"

"But not to worry, there will be no choosing. For that is unfair and with these games, we all try to be as fair as we can." said Effie interrupting.

"But where are my parents?" I asked.

"Don't worry. They got here 15 minutes after you. There setting up there room." said Haymitch as he snarls.

"Oh." I said.

"Well, let's get you both settled in your rooms!" Effie said excitedly.

She showed us our rooms, which were quite big. Bigger than my room at home. As soon as Effie dismissed us. I ran to my room and flopped on the bed ans started to let out, what I really needed to. Tears.

I heard a knock on the door, almost telling them to go away. But my mother came in. She saw me. Crying. She sat down on the bed and stroked my back while twirling my hair. I finally sat up and grabbed onto her. Letting the tears run down my cheeks. As I hugged her she was still stroking my back. I knew my father would come in soon, so I had to get something out.

I took a big gulp. It felt like there was a lump stuck in my throat. I took a breath and started to talk.

"Mom, you were right. About Baron."

She took a good look at my face and pushed a piece of hair from my forehead. "What happened sweetie?"

"Well after you guys left, he came. He told me that I was going to make it through. Then I thought about what you told me, how he had feelings for me. I didn't notice until he came to see me just then. So I accidentally asked him about us. He blushed and I knew you were right. Then he asked if I felt the the same way and I got furious." I said quickly.

"Then what happened? Why did you get mad?"

"Well, he could of asked me so long ago and he chooses now to exclaim his feelings?"

"I guess so, sweetie." she said quietly.

"Then he kissed my cheek. I was caught offguard and he got away with it. Then he tried to move to my lips and.... and... I let him. I only did it because I thought I was going to die in that arena and gave him what he wanted because I thought he would never get his wish. To kiss me."


"Then I got really mad at myself and I started to yell at him. I told him to go find another girl. Replace me. He was yelling at me by the time the Peacekeepers dragged him out." I said as quickly as I could.

"Oh god. Sweetie. Mair. I am so sorry. But you do know that if you win, he will wait for you. He won't take his eyes off that screen and will do anything to get you back home, so he can have you." she said calming.

She wiped a tear from my face. "Do you want me to tell your father?"

"You can if you want, I don't care. I just want to put everything with him behind me. Forget him. But what was so weird was that when he kissed me.... I-I-I enjoyed it. He stole my first kiss and I will never forget it."

"I know Mair, I know. But hey, what about your felow tribute? He ain't that bad looking."

"Mom! Okay you have to admit, he is good looking. But I can't do that same thing you and dad did. What if he doesn't feel the say way? He probably sees me as a threat. Do not mention this to Haymitch or dad!"  I am laughing as I say it.

"Fine. Now let's go eat."

I wash off my face to cover the tears that I had let out. My mom and I walked to the dining table and sat down. My father, Haymitch, and Griffin sat across. Effie sat next to me and my mom. Out of nowhere ans avox comes out. My father explained to me what they are. Crime committers who have lost their tounges. Ugh. Just the thought scared me.

They brought in tons of food. I mean sure in my homw we always had enough to put on the table btu it was never like this. There was a pea green soup with lemon, a green salad with every kind of vegetable you could imagine, some typed of roasted fish, and for desert, a chocolate cup filled with various fruits.

My mother warned me what would happen if I ate too much. That I would get sick to my stomach and there was MORE to come. So I just ate polietly not trying to stuff my face with all the delicacies around me. I looked at Griffin who was completely not eating. Which shocked me. He was from the Seam, why wouldn't he eat?? He took like ten bites and then moved on. For some reason, I couldn't rread him. Which really scared me. Then Haymitch started talking. "So we will be in the Capitol tomorrow and when we get there, you will meet your stylists. That night will be opening ceremonies and then you will be moved to the training center building where you will stay until the games begin. After opening ceremonies, the next day you will begin training for three days. On the third day, you will have your private sessions with the gamemakers. The next day you will prepare for the interviews which will be that night. On that next morning is when the games begin. Alright?"

"Okay." We both murmured at the same time.

After dinner we went to go watch the recaps of the reapings that happened today. I don't remember everyone but as my mom told me to try to remember those you fear most. The ones that I took a notice to were the girl from 1 who had strawberry blonde hair who was about my age. She had a smirk on her face. Shivers went up my spine as  learned that her name was Shimmer and her aunt was Glimmer. She and one other person were the only ones related to a previous tribute or victor. The boy from 1 wasn't that scary, he was 13 and tiny. I always thought it was unfair for 12 and 13 year olds to have to go in these games. Obviously they were too young.

Of course the tributes from two were scary, they were from 2. A 17 year old gir and 15 old boy both volunteered to do it and they were pretty big. 4 scared me. They called out a boy named Fletcher O'dair who was 18. My mother let out a whimper. My father, bugged-eyed. I could see an old woman who looked mom's age, maybe older screamed as his name was called. When volunteers were asked almost everyone raised there hand to. But one person screamed out. A girl who was 17 or so. She had bright blue eyes and light brown hair. Fletcher screamed no. But they took her anyways. They said her name was Lucy. I could see Fletcher crying as they took her away. I didn't know a girl could volunteer for a boy. So they picked another boy and he went up. I think he was 15 and his name was Atticus.

In 6, there were two 13 year olds. Not related in any way. One had shining blonde hair and the other black as night. 7 and 8 I didn't really remember. 9 was a girl who was my age. She a had hair white as snow with hints of blonde hiding and the boy who was 16 had red hair and freckles and looked as if he knock someone out with a single punch. There names were Emille and Edith. 11 had a 18 year old girl with faded brown hair as if it had dried in sunlight, her name was Jasmine. The boy was 17 and had yellow brown hair and was 5'10 and his name was Rufus. Then there was us. I saw how long i had actually stood there until I went up to the stage and Griffin was more frozen thsn I was. 13 had two 17 year olds with blackish grayish hair. They didn't look that helpful. Lastly the Capitol had two 16 year olds who looked as if they hadn't done a day of work in their life. Wait, I knew one of those people. Tammin. He was the presidents son.

Then the reapings were over and I went to bed that night so tired from today I fell asleep instantly.

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