CH 24

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I was in Tammin's arms. I felt suprisingly warm all wrapped up next to him. I looked to my left and saw Griff. He was curled up in a ball, shivering. I quickly got up and grabbed my jacket. I wrapped it around him and he immediately stopped to shiver. I leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I saw a slight smile curl up onto his face. I smirked a little and curled back up next to Tammin.

We were suprisingly doing well. We had enough food. Water was running a little low but we had a good amount to last us until tomorrow night.

I sat back in Tammin's lap and his arm snaked around my waist. His gorgeous, chocolate, brown eyes fluttered open and stared into mine. Every time I look into those eyes, I just seem to melt.

My mother said, that's how she always would feel when she would look into my father's eyes. That she was captivated.

"Hey." He whispered. I felt a smile tug on my lips. He kissed my cheek gently and I felt a million sparks go off inside me.

I quickly took in one look and just placed my lips onto his. He seemed a bit suprised that I just came onto him like that btu he gave in and kissed me back. Our lips moved in sync again and I felt butterflies in my stomach. His lips were warm and mine were ice-cold. So, even more sparks went off inside of me.

I pulled back breathless. It was funny, that everytime I kissed him I was always breathless.

I soon closed my eyes and fell off into a deep sleep with probably the biggest grin on my face.

A/N: Ok. That was the shortest chapter I have ever written. But it was only a filler. i wrote a filler because the next chapter is gonna be HUGE. Trust me, its worth it.

btw. This chapter is dedicated to TiffanyRm. Cuz she made me an AWESOME cover. WOO! GO HER!!! Update sooon!!!


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