CH 6

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The week went by fast. Too fast. It seemed to blur right through my eyes. The reaping was tomorrow. I was scared to death. I almost laughed but didn't because the two names that were going to be pulled were being sent to their own death. I wasn't scared for myself. I was more scared for Darius. Even though mom had taught him snares and hunting and dad had taught him camoflauging and poisonous things not to eat, I still felt worried. Sure I know the same things he does. But I feel that his height wil be taken for advantage. He is 12 and 5'1. I am 15 and 5'7. Almost taller than my parents. I hope he doesn't get picked, but I know he has a chance of getting his death sentence.

My father came downsatirs and looked almost pleasant, which confused me.

"Time for dinner. What do you guys want?" he asked. I was almost too upset to eat. But I should, this will be my last dinner with my family for all I know. I had a feeling they were going to pick me anyways. My parents were the stars of the games, it would just make it more exciting if there daughter were there too. Fighting for her own life. Just like her parents.

Before mom could come down, I brought up my thought to dad. He gave me a sad smile. Probably unable to answer my question. No one could answer my question. Its a question of being fair or entertaining. I had a feeling they were too choose entertaining.

"Well Mair, they have to be fair. They will not pick you or Darius. It is just not fair."

"But its the Capitol, they have never been fair. I mean look what there doing, they are bringing back the most unfair thing that happened to us. To you and mom. You guys went through so much to get rid of it. And its just back. Like they don't even remember what happened twenty years ago." I said. I almost could feel the tears coming again and I couldn't help myself. So i just did it again. I cried. I couldn't handle what was going on.

I could feel my father grab onto me. Embracing me in a hug. His warmth felt so good. I felt like I hadn't hugged him in years, which I know isn't true. Then he started to speak.

"It's going to be okay. I'm not sure what is going to be happening tomorrow. But I just want you to know how much I love you. I love you more than anything."

All of a sudden I could feel tears on my head. Warm tears. I looked up and saw that he was crying too. Not as much as I was, but almost enough you could see he was upset too. I never wanted to let go. I just enjoyed hugging him while letting the tears stream down my face. Then my mother came down. She tried to keep it together. But she just came into our hug. Now its was the three of us. Darius was probably at his friends house about to come home soon. But I just stood there hugging my mother and father trying to hold onto this memory for as long as I can.

Finally we let go and sat on the couch together. Mom walked away and went to grab something. She sat back down holding something. A book. It looked as if it was a family photo album. I had seen photos from our past but never this book. As she turned the first page I suddenly felt happy. It was a pciture of my parents wedding. My mother had a simple white dress on and my father had black shirt and matching pants. My mother said she was about 25 when she got married. That it took her a couple of years to say yes to dad. Even though she loved him, she was never sure of marriage. Then it took ten years of convincing from dad to even think about having Darius and I. She says she never regrets it.

She flipped to the next page. It was a bunch of pictures of family, like Haymitch, grandma, and some old friends. Then about three pages in I smiled. It was my mother pregnant. With me. The rest were all baby pictures that eventaully grew into us. Darius and I.

Then he walked through the door. His ash blonde hair hanging over his deep gray eyes. He was the spitting image of my father. Stocky build, strong shoulders, thick chin, looked as if he could lift a 100 pound weight. He looked upset. Not being able to handle what was going on. He woudn't dare show it on his face but you can see deep into his beautiful Seam eyes.

Of course he's upset. Tomorrow was The Reaping. He was 12. His name was put in once, mine four. He probably wasn't going to be picked then I think of how Prim's name was only in once and realized I might never see his face again.

We ate dinner that night in silence, trying to savor the moment of our beloved family. We all said goodnight and went to bed and for the first time in a while, I didn't have a nightmare.

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