CH 27- Epilogue

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Authors P.O.V

Rose Snow was finally taken down and executed. President Paylor reisigned. Panem was restored to peace. Tammin took over.

Maigold still has nightmares. She finally understands her parents pain. Their suffering and the reasons why they scream in the middle of the night or just break down and cry.

Marigold kept her promise to Griffin. She thinks about him almost every day. She sees him everywhere. Including her dreams.

Baron tried to get her back when she returned home. But, she told him her feelings about Tammin and how the games have changed her forever. He finally agreed and settled with another girl named Lily.

As for Marigold and Tammin. They stayed together. They worked through their pain from the games. They still have that same feeling everytime they kiss from the fist time. He one day proposed and of course she said yes. Years later of course. Later on she had one baby girl. And she named her Poppy. She had always liked the name.

She had finally understood her parents and they finally understood her. She no longer just felt like the parents of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. She had felt like she was her own person.

And she finally was complete.

The End.

A/N; OMG. GUYS IM DONE. GAH. It wasn't too long ago I was on tumblr and saw somene had written a fanfic and clicked the link and I found Wattpad and I started to write. Never would I have thought it would turn into this. I love you guys so  much. All your sweet comments pushed me to go further. And I'm entering this into Watty Awards.. so vote! I probably won't even make it but oh well! Might as well try. So... THANK YOU. And make sure to check out my two new stories. One is a One Direction fanfic and the other is my own story. You guys are the best fans a girl could ask for! LOVE YOU!


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