CH 7

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As I woke up that morning the world seemed gray. No suprise there. Today was the day I had feared most. Reaping Day. I slowly got out of bed and checked the time. 11:16. Why had mom let me sleep in? Didn't she and dad want to spend evey possible minute with me and Darius before the dreadful moment dawns on? I didn't know. But before I walked down the halway, I almost didn't noice the clothes sitting on my chair. Reaping clothes. It was a faded blue dress with at least 50 buttons going down the back. Each of gold color. On the sleeves was a white lace trim. Next to it was light brown shoes with dark red laces. It was beautiful. I don't know how father could afford it. Even though we did have money from them winning the games they never spent a big load of money on anything. 

Then I noticed something. I remembered my mother's dress from her reaping. It looked somewhat like this but mine has intricate details added.

When I walked down the stairs, I was still in my pajamas. I saw my parents at the kitchen table, they were sitting next to each other both holding a cup of coffee looking at each other with sad smiles. My father had his arm around my mother and they were looking into each others eyes. They both turned to me.

"Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" my father said tiredly. I had a feeling he didn't sleep at all. Both of them.

"Fine, I slept well." I said quietly. I didn't want to wake up Darius.

"Good, now go take a bath and get dressed." my mother said.

"Ok, then breakfast... uh, I mean lunch?"

"Sure. Now get!" my mother said while slapping my thigh.

I ran up the stairs and in to the bathroom to take a bath. It felt warm and soothing. I ran the lavender scented shapoo and conditioner through my brown wavy locks. I sat in there for maybe an hour but it felt good. By the time I got out it was noon, three hours to the reaping, and Darius was up. He looked cute with his bed head hair and groggy look on his face. I was back in my pajamas when he said,"How long have you been up?"

"Just for an hour, took a bath. You probably should too. Mom wants you to."

"Fine." And he walked groggily into the bathroom. I let out a laugh and walked into my room. The reaping outfit was still there haunting me with its beauty for the wrong reasons.

I slowly put it on, letting the cotton overwhelm me. I looked into the mirror and it was a gorgeous dress. My hair was still in knots when I walked downstairs. Darius was already down there eating. I can't believe he bathed that fast. Whatever.

Mom had taken leftover venison we caught two days ago and covered it in tangy gravy and father had made special biscuits filled with walnuts from our backyard tree. I slowly ate my meal and checked the time. 1:30. I had to leave in ten minutes. So I asked my mother if she could do my hair. She said okay and grabbed the brush. She combed through my knotted hair until it was knot free. The she braided it and tied it up. It looked like hers on her reaping day. I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek and said thank you.

We left the house ten minutes early and arrived in the square by the Justice Building. Darius went to the 12 year old section before I got the chance to say goodbye. Oh well. Too late now. I walked over to my section with the other 15 year olds. I looked to my right about seven kids and saw Baron. I gave him a wave and he waved back. I also mouthed good luck and he mouthed the same. I quickly turned away to see that it was starting.

As the lady with the neon green green wig comes to the microphone. Effie Trinket. Father had talked about her a couple of times and how ridiculous she could be but in a almost laughable way.

She looked older. Much older. She tapped the microphone but she looked sad. It almost seemed like she was looking at me or Darius. She might have recongized me. I do resemble my mother and father.

"Welcome! Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!"

She started to ramble on about our history including the second rebellion. I started to pay attention when she said,"Now to pick our tributes! Ladies First!"

She walked over to the glass bowl and picked a name. I knew it was going to be me. It would make the games more exciting.

She read the name and I froze for one second as the name went through both my ears.

And of course, I was right.

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