CH 22

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  • Dedicated to All my readers! You guys rock!

The next day wasn't any better. There wasn't any sign of Griffin. And we were starting to lose hope.

So we decided to go look for him. Tammin, Emille, Lucy, Atticus, Jasmine, Rufus, and I packed up everything and headed out.

We started through the forest. I was getting very thirsty and felt a fainting feeling soon. I grabbed onto Tammin's hand to try to keep myself up. He understood and squeezed my hand.


We had been walking for hours and I was ready to pass out but I was trying to stay strong.

That's I saw something. Flames. Smoke. A fire.

"Guys. Look." I whispered to them.

"That could be where they are." Atticus pointed out.

We got prepared and started to run quietly over to the area with smoke.

I saw him. Griffin. He was knocked out unconscious, tied to one of the giant trees.

He was covered in cuts all over his body. Bruises up and down his arms. A deep gash on his leg where his pants had been ripped at the knee.

Suddenly someone appeared but they didn't see us. Actually it was a group. The first person I saw had long, blonde, curly hair. Just recongizing the hair sent shivers down my spine. Shimmer. I also saw the hair black as night belonging to Daisy. She may be 13 but she still has some guts for doing what she did. Then I saw both boy and girl from 2. Who I must say are still scary as ever. Also both from 13, who weren't that terrifying.

I nearly lost it. Tammin realized what was going on and held me back. Holding both of my arms and putting his hands on my mouth so I wouldn't scream.

I got away from him but he grabbed me again. I was fired up and he could see that. He softly pressed his lips to my cheek, knowing it would easily calm me. It did but when I turned back, Griffin had awaken and saw the whole thing. A look of hurt on his face. I felt a pang of guiltyness for making him feel that way but he knew how I felt about Tammin. I only loved Griff as a friend, yet I still come to care about him as more than one.

Someone saw us. Daisy. She gave me an evil smile and turned towards Shimmer, who also let out an evil smile.

That's when Tammin let go. I went full out and Atticus was behind me with a big knife. He started full on war with the guy from two. He started to lose, which made me nervous.

I easily killed the boy from 13. I threw a knife staright into his chest and he easily fell over. I could see Emille had gotten to the girl from 13. 

I started to make my way to the girl from 2 and Jasmine made her way over there too. The girl's knife flew through Jasmine's stomach and into the tree behind her.

I almost fell to the ground again but this girl needed to die. I toppeled on her and slapped her hard. Finally I take my knife and stab her in the stomach.

I grabbed my knife and ran over to Jasmine. She was gone. I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead, whispering goodbye.

I turned around to see Emille, Tammin trying to untie Griffin while, Lucy and Rufus were checking someone. They were hurt. It was Atticus.

He had been stabbed in the side. Next to him was the guy from 2 who was also dead. They must've got to him after they found Atticus.

I walked over to Griff to help him up. As soon as I helped him up, I gave him a huge hug.

I felt like a piece of me had been restored.

A/N: hey! Okkk another short chapter but again a lot happened, people died. I know. I'm sorry. Atticus and Jasmine died. I was really sad about that. BUTTT, Griff is back!!!! YAY!! Anywaysss. Update soon! vote, comment, fan, and.... SHARE!!!

-- MissWriters

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