CH 26

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"And the winners of the 76th Annual Hunger Games are Tammin Paylor and Marigold Mellark!" The announcer says.

I never thought I would hear those words.


It had been a week since we won. I was still in shock that I was alive. I now remember all of my dreams. Every moment. 

I haven't seen Tammin in a week. 

I miss him terribly.

I miss Griff.

I was reunited with my mother, my father, Effie, Haymitch, Calloway, Darius, and the others. I just hugged each of them for as long as I could.

I held onto my father the most. I told them about Rose. They were stunned. But we all figured out a way to put an end to her before we have another rebellion on our hands.


Tonight was the final interview and then it was all over. Calloway put me in pastelle pink dress that came about mid-thigh and had a fire-sequoined belt. I wore small red heels and they put on fair makeup.

Calloway  gave me one final hug before I went out on stage. Caesar sat me down and then he came out. Tammin. His black as night hair was combed to one side. His black suit fit him well and he looked so handsome. It was at that moment that I really loved him. I loved this 18 year old more than anything. And I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

I ran up from my seat and into his arms. I wrapped them around his neck as he did around my waist. I whispered,"I missed you so much." into his ear.

"I love you." He whispered into mine.

To respond, I kissed him. I didn't care if the whole world was watching. This was probably the best kiss of my life. There was so much passion because we hadn't seen each other. And we both realized our love for each other.

We both sat back down and did the interview. I saw all of our footage from the games and closed my eyes through the whole thing. It was too hard to watch.

I just held onto Tammin's hand the whole time.

Finally the time came.

Tammin spoke. "I would like to make an annoucement. In Panem, someone by the name of Rose Snow has taken over. Yes, she is in relation to former President Snow. The real reason the games began was because she broke into the Capitol and hijacked my mother into restarting the games. By now, the guards have found her beacuse she is in the cabin room behind my mother's door. My mother will not be healed but is slowly recovering. Being 18, I will take over as President of Panem. And, I am putting an end to The Hunger Games. And we will be in a form of peace again." He spoke with authority.

Then, he took my hand and led me off the stage.

A/N: Last chapter. SAD FACE. BUTTTTTT... there wll be an epilogue! YES!!!

OMG. 2000 reads! i love you guys!


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