CH 25

570 11 1

Today was the day. The final battle. How did I know that? Because there is five of us left and only two come out alive. Today, was the day that the world would see who would be the victors.

I woke up early. Tammin and Griff were still asleep, so I didn't bother to wake them up. I ran over to the beach side and quickly took a dip in the water, because I had felt so gross, lately.

I rinsed off in the water and quickly dried. When I got back, Tammin and Griff were already awake.

They were already packed and ready to fight.

"You ready?" I ask. They both slowly nod in unison. We all of our supplies. It's not like we're ever coming back here. This is the final fight. Then it was all over.

We left our resting area and headed out.


There it was. The Cornucopia. I'm not ready to die. I'm not ready to take my last breath. I miss my family. My mother. My father. Darius. Baron. All of them. I remember my mother's words. "Don't show weakness." I quickly grabbed on to Tammin's hand. He gave it a tight squeeze. Either all three of us are going to die or I might lose one of them.

I grab my sword, Griff takes out his and so does Tammin. I take a deep breath. I give Tammin's hand one last squeeze before letting go. I pat Griff on the back as a "goodbye". He looks me in the eyes. I once again see those beautiful dark green eyes, that  I saw the first day of The Reaping. I look around and find them. Shimmer and Daisy. There covered in cuts all over them. Shimmer's blonde hair all ragged but still has the same shine. I take one last breath and go in.

 I head straight towards Daisy. She's weaker prey. She is cornering Griff. I easily stab her in the back. She falls to the ground and I lend a hand to Griff. He won't get up.

"Griff! Get up!." I yell. Nothing. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. I quickly wipe them away. She must have gotten to him before I could get to her. I felt as my whole body froze. I was numb.

"Marigold. Go help Tammin. You don't want to lose him too." I heard a voice. I looked to Griff. He was gone. This voice was much more gentle. Prim. 

"Go." I heard her say once more. I dragged Griff behind a bush so he wouldn't get picked up.

I ran over to Tammin, who was fighting Shimmer. She was winning. I push Shimmer to the ground. We roll around each other and I manage to punch her a couple times that a tooth came out. There is blood everywhere. It's been about 15 minutes of this until I finally manage to get my knife out. She sees this and rolls over, so that she is on top of me. She holds her dagger in front of my heart which is beating faster than my breathing rate. This is it. I'm going to die.

"I finally get to kill you. And then" She comes closer to my ear, bringing the knife close with her. She whispers,"I'm going to kill Tammin." I stopped breathing as soon as the words left her mouth.

She whispers one more thing in my ear. "Rose is going to be so proud." she whispers. My breath hitched. She was in on the plan the whole time. Rose. Snow. She was going to win. Then take over Panem with Rose.

The knife came closer and closer. 

I felt the pain. But, I was still breathing. What?

I look to where the pain was coming from. My right arm. I look past my arm and there she lay. In all her glory and pride. There she lay, dead. A kinife straight through her back. The blade, just a tip coming through her chest. Wait, that was Tammin's knife.

She's dead. I looked in front of me. There he was. Tammin. The love of my life. My knight. He saved me. It was over. We won. He leaned forward and leant out a hand. I gladly took it and he pulled me into a hug. My arm was still bleeding furiously.

"It's over. We won." I whisper in his ear. Tears are leaking out of my eyes.

"We did it." He says.

I froze. Griff.

I pull out of a hug and run over to where I hid him. He was still there. Tammin followed and saw. I grabbed Griff cold, numb, pale hand. Tammin pats my shoulder.

"I'll give you a minute." He says slowly and walks away. 

I clutch his hand tighter and tighter hoping for him just to wake up. The tears are slowly coming out of my eyes but as each tear falls it becomes faster and faster.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to die, Griff. I'm sorry that I didn't save you. I'm sorry that we never had the chance to talk. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that... I couldn't love you, the way you loved me. But, I love Tammin.  And, I want you to know that I'll will never forget you. That's a promise. If I live to be 100 years old, I'll never go a day without think about you. Goodbye, Griffin." I said through all my tears. 

I slowly bring my lips to his and give him one last kiss before putting his cold, pale hand next to the other one.

I stand up and walk away. Before I'm gone, I give one last wave.

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