CH 18

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That was one of the first nights that I actually slept well. Today was my 16th birthday. Even though yesterday was nice, I didn't really feel like celebrating. I hopped out of bed and got in the shower. I rinsed my hair with a strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner. I loved the smell of strawberries. Baron and I would always collect strawberries and make a big feast with them. Baron. I haven't thought about him in a while. Well, I am done with him. I am no longer mad but I think life would be easier without him. More simplier. Not that my life isn't already a mess but I just don't want to think about him. Not now. Not ever.

I got out of the shower and put on a loose burgandy blouse and black pants and put my hair in a high ponytail. I walked out the door and someone grabbed me. I nearly screamed in their face, I was so scared. The person covered my eyes. "Let me go!" I screamed.

Suddenly I saw light. I saw my mother, father, Haymitch, Effie, Calloway, and Cecelia. Then Griff stood in front of me. "What the hell?!? You scared the life out of me!" I yelled at him.

He just laughed at me and replied,"Sorry about that. Anyways, Happy Birthday Goldie!"

On the table in front of me was a big cake. It was gold with beautiful frosting red flowers and in the middle it said "Happy Birthday Goldie!". I could easily tell my father made the cake with the swirls and the blending of the colors. I let a smile slip to my face. "Thank you everyone." I said.

We all sat down at the table and cut the cake and ate. The sweetness burst into my mouth and it was like Heaven.

"Okay. So tonight are the interviews. Mair, You can work with your mother and Effie on manners and how to act, you know, how to act like a lady. Griff, You'll be working with Peeta and I on how your personality will be presented. Then we'll switch." Haymitch told us while stuffing cake down his throat. I had never seen him eat this much.

I just nodded and so did Griff. We finished our cakes and I joined my mother and Effie in my room to learn about maners. Fun! Yea right.


Forty minutes later, my mother and Effie were basically in a war zone with each other. Everytime Effie told me something to do, my mother would butt in and tell me to do something else. This went on for forty minutes. I tried on a blue midnight dress with sparkles all over it and big, clunky heels. To my suprise and my mothers, I could actually walk. It wasn't the easiest thing to do in the world but I actually got it on the third try.

Next they told me to sit like a lady. I sat down in my chair and crossed my legs and let my hands lay to the side. "No, no, no! You've got it all wrong!" Effie told me.

She then showed me that you don't cross your legs but you simply close them and move them at an angle. Weird. I had never thought about it that way. Also she told me put my hands in my lap and sit up as staright as you can.

All my mother told me was not to be too nervous and just answer honestly. Now I had to go with my father and Haymitch and talk about my personality. I quickly undressed and put back on my regular clothes.

Lunch was after talkng with Haymitch and father.


I walked in to the room and sat down. My father began to speak about how you answer the questions defines the personality you show. Haymitch interuppted and said," For an example, are you fierce, scary, sexy, cute, bubbly, quiet, or trusted, etc. How do you want to present yourself as?"

"I don't know. Maybe trusted or heavy with confidence?" I said weakly.

"Maybe. But your sure not as heck going as sexy. That is final." My father said with a laugh in his voice.

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