CH 14

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That morning I woke up on the floor. I was so worried, I feel like I might throw up but I haven't eaten. Suddenly, the thoughts of last night flooded my mind. Was Griff jealous? Nah. He couldn't be. He never had feelings for me. Why sudden change? Was it from just seeing Tammin talking to me? I mean, I liked Tammin but mostly as a brother or friend. Did Tammin like me? No. He just seemed like he cared for me as in a sisterly love type of thing. But what about what Griff said last night. "We obviously have feelings for each other". What did he mean? Did he like me? Does he think I like him? I really don't know how I feel right now and honestly I don't have the time.

"Up, up, up! It's going to be a big, big, big day!" I hear a voice come from outside my room. Effie. Training. I did as I was told and got off the floor. I saw in my closet was my outfit for today already chosen by Calloway. Tight black spandex pants and a loose fitting maroon short sleeved shirt. On the back was a giant 12.

I walk out of my room and sit down at the table next to my mother who looks suprisingly okay.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked while buttering a piece of bread.

"Good but I woke up on the floor." I said while letting out a little laugh. I pick up a piece of bread and start spreading it with raspberry jam.

"She was probably dreaming about me." Griff said. I almost choked on my bread and started to cough. What?!? My mother was staring me down and it had a hint of nervousness and mostly excitement. Oh God. But I decided to act like a snobby brat back to him just to trick him, instead of just denying it even though that didn't happen. Or did it? I feel like he could read me like an open book.

"Oh, you wish. But I bet it was you thinking about me, huh? About how you were so jealous that I was talking to someone that wasn't you." I said while raising an eyebrow. My mother turned to face me and gave me a smirk. Almost an "I'm proud of you" look. 

Griff started to blush. He looked like a fresh tomato. I could barely hold back my laugh. I was so enjoying this.

He started to say something. Probably his pathetic little comeback. Then my father came in and saw both our faces and just burst out laughing. I started to laugh too. My mom didn't laugh though. Probably because she was dying of laughter on the inside.

Haymitch and Effie came in and calmed both of us down. But I could see Haymitch biting his lip trying to hold in his laughter too. He started to run us through what was going to happen today.

"Okay, so I want you two to stick together. Also make friends, you'll need allies. Learn as much as you can today but don't show off your strength. Mair, obviously bows and arrows. But everyone is going to know that you know how to do that pretty well because of your mother. Duh. Griffin, I don't know your skill. Do you mind telling me?" Haymitch began.

"Well, I am familiar with a bow and arrow but I can tie knots better than anyone I know. Also I can start a fire faster than most people." He said.

"Okay than. This is what your going ot do. Mair, teach Griff more tricks of the bow and arrow, obviously we want him to get good at it. Both of you learn survival skills. All of them. The second day work with weapons. Last day, that's your choice." Haymitch ordered.

We both nodded and entered the elevator. 


The training center was a big room filled with stations to learn everything we needed to know. I looked around with wide eyes. I turned to find Griff staring at me.

"What?" I hissed at him.

He just laughed."Nothing, nothing. You just look like a little kid that was handed a brand, new, shiny toy." he said.

"Shut up!" I said while slapping his arm. He just kept laughing and we spent most of the day at the survival skills sections.

It was lunchtime, when we finally stopped.

I grabbed a plate and filled it with some type of meat and vegetables. I sat down next to Griff and spotted Tammin. I waved to him and he smiled and walked over to where I was sitting. He brought over two other people with him. From what I can rememeber they were from 11.

"Hey Tammin!" I said with a pleasant smile.

"Hey Mair, I just came to sit with you. I want you to meet Jasmine and Rufus. There from 11." He replied.

"Hi, I'm Marigold. You can call me Mair or Goldie." I said to both of them.

"Hi. I'm Jasmine. Call me Jazzy." She said. She sounded somewhat anxious. Almost studying me carefully.

"Hello, I'm Rufus. It's a pleasure to meet you. Especially with your backround, I was somewhat nervous." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"No, no, no. There is no need to treat me different just because of my parents. Please just treat me as my own." I said while letting out a laugh.

"Yep. She has always been that way. Wants to be her own person. NOT her mother." Tammin said while slowly wrapping his arm around my shoulders. What was he doing? And how the hell did he know that?!?! No one knew that!

I saw a wave of confusion spread across Jasmine's and Rufus's face. Then I turned to Griff. He had confusion which rapidly turned to anger which changed into jealousy even faster. What was going on?!?

He slowly got up and made his way for Tammin. I got so nervous that he was going to do something he was going to regret, so I hopped up and stopped him. Just to cover up the jealousy I gave him a huge hug.

"Thanks for the random hug, Griff! Did you guys know that today was hug-a-random-person-day?" I said trying to convince everyone that this was true. Griff just raised an eyebrow and shrugged. But the one thing I needed to do was talk to Tammin. I needed to ask him how he knew that about me.

"Hey, Tammin. Can I talk to you in private?" I asked him quietly.

"Sure." He replied. Then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind the wall in the lunch room.

"So, what's up?" he asked.

"I need to know how you knew that about me. How I don't want to be anything like my mother. No one knew that about me." I lied.

He looked at me for a minute before answering. "I could just tell. I've known you most of my life. I can just read you like an open book. Plus, it's understandable. I get like that with my mom too." He said quietly.

I blushed. He could read me? I looked down. Then told him,"Please don't tell my mother."

"Never. Your secret is safe with me." he answered. I looked down again to hide my blush. 

Out of absolutely nowhere he lifted up my chin and kissed me. It was a long kiss. I felt fireworks went off in my mind. But I wasn't sure how I felt about him.

"I'm sorry. I just had to do it." he said softly. Then he kissed my cheek and walked out. I touched my cheek then my lips. I blushed and walked out from the wall to continue training.



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