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My mother, father, and Darius came rushing in. Darius sprinted in and was the first to hug me.

"Mair! Don't go! You have to come back! You will come back! Won't you?"

"I will Darius. I promise. I will do whatever it takes. I will come back to you." I almost started to cry but my mother grabbed onto me. She almost started to cry but held it in.

"Don't cry Mair. It will show too much weakness. Save it when your in private." she said calmly.

"Remember, we will be your mentors this year. Haymitch decided to tag along too. And if it's only one of us, we will be at the interviews. There doing a reunion with The Star Crossed Lovers..." dad trailed off.

"We love you. Darius will be staying with Baron and his family. He will be fine. We'll see you soon." my mother said as calm as she could manage.

Then peacekeepers came in and escorted them out. Suddenly Baron came in. He looked worried. Very worried. He put his arms out for me to hug him. Usually we never did these type of things. We more just talked. But if I was never to see him again, I might as well.

"Your going to get through this. Your tough. You have your mother's fire and rage. Everyone knows that you'll make it through." he said.

He couldn't look at me in the eye. My mother once told me by the way Baron looked at me that he had strong feelings. I blew he comment off. But now that she said it, I think it might be true. But I don't feel the same way. He was more like a handsome cousin. My mother laughd when I told her that. She said it reminded her of her old friend Gale. I had never met him. Sometimes I heard mom and dad talk about him, but never in a positive way. She said that he loved mom but after the games he bacame her cousins to the cameras. She was never sure about how she felt. But I'm guessing that she loved dad more.

"I know." I barely thought about this before I said this.

"What about us?" I almost covered my mouth but didn't. He looked at the ground and blushed. I knew it was true now. What my mother said.

"I don't know. Do you feel the same way?" The same way? I couldn't even process what was going with my life right now let alone my feelings for someone who should have brought this up years ago! But I had to give him an answer.

"I don't really even know right now! Am I just supposed to forget everything that is going on right now and try to think of my feelings for you right now?!? I am not even sure that I will make it back! I am going into an arena to fight 23 other kids and you want me to answer a-a qu-estion that would take me a long time to answer?! I said, almost regrettigng it. But I shouldn't. He should not expect me to answer such a question with what I am going through.

"I didn't expect you to be this mad-

"Oh! I am mad! You have had more than two years to do this! I know it can be hard. And I knew partially that you have had these feelings for quite some time but I never believed it until now!

"I'm sorry. You don't have to give me an answer. If you don't feel the same way, its totally fine. I'll live.

"Goodbye Baron. I"ll miss you." I said with some anger still stuck in my tone. He was right I do have my mother's fire.

Out of nowhere he kissed me on the cheek. I wasn't expecting it, so I couldn't push him back. So I just let him do it. He probably was never going to see me again, so I let him do what he had wished to do for three years. He tries to move to my lips. I thought, should I let him? He has been dying to do for a long time. He was never going to see me again. Even if I did live. I would never have feelings like that. So feeling weak with all my sadness and pain, I let him. He moved to my lips. I shut my eyes tight, just trying to get through it. All my thoughts faded away. His lips were slightly warm and he smelled like pine needles and bay leaves. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then I realized what I was doing.

I let go. "I can't do this." I said as I looked at the ground.

"Please, no." He said in a whisper.

"I can't toy with your emotions. I'll be dead soon and I know you won't be able to handle it. Go find another girl. Forget about me! I'm never coming back!" I said starting to yell.

'You know I won't." he said.

Suddenly the Peacekeepers came in and said its time for him to go.

"You better!" I yelled.

"Fine! I will! he said yelling. I know he wouldn't btu he could easily find someone. He was good looking, any girl would take him.

Now the peacekeepers were coming to get me. To take me to the train that will take me to the Capitol. Teh years after the rebellion, The Capitol finally decided to rebuild it because it would be easier than to travel by hovercraft.

We no longer had to take a car to the train. It was a five minute walk. I walked with Effie on one side and Griffin on the other. He barely looked upset. Hadn't shed a tear. I wonder who came to visit him and if it was as much drama for as it was for me.

We got to the train station and had to huddle becuase there were photographer everywhere trying to get a shot of our scared-to-death faces.

Griffin held the door for me after Effie got on board.

"Thanks." I say trying to be nice as possible. He smiled and walked in after me. I sat down in the chair and looked out the window taking one last look as my home was gone. For good.

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