CH 8

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For that one moment, I seemed to have froze. I couldn't even blink. I knew my name was going to be called but I never believed it to be true. Not even now. I heard my name again with Effie's strained voice, I could tell she was upset because she knew who I was and that she was going to have to go through this all over again. The people around me were staring. Of course they were! I was the daughter of the most famous people in District 12. No. All of Panem. I looked at Baron. All the blood drained from his face and he looked horrified. My name was called again and I started to walk up to the stage as slowly as my legs would take me. But they were like robotic legs and were walking with quite a quick pace.

I reached the stage and Effie wrapped one arm around me. Quite tightly her grip was. Then she said,"Now the boys!"

She gently walked over to the glass bowl. I hoped it wasn't Baron. I wouldn't be able to live with that. Having to try to kill my best friend. I wouldn't be able to live with my-

"Griffin Fairbain!" Effie said into the microphone.

Griffin Fairbain? Who's th-

Then I remembered. I only met him a couple of times, he is also in my year. Only in three of my classes. He seemed like a nice person. The only time I remembered him was in the 5th grade. We each had to write a short story about something we loved. Not someone. Something. I had written about how I loved to sing with my mom in the forest and how the mockingjays would listen. And it would be the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.

Then he started to speak. He talked about a lake. In the woods. MY LAKE. The one my mother showed me. The lake where my aunt Prim is buried. How the hell had he known it existed? The only people I knew that knew about it was my family and Baron. Afterwards I was so intrigued I had to ask him about it. But when the bell rang to go home. He was already gone before I could catch him. I just pushed it aside and never thought about it again. Until now. I guess I'll have plenty of time to ask him now.

I saw Griffin in the crowd. He could barely move. He was frozen as I was. His name was called twice before he was on the stage. Finally he moved. I saw him walk forward. He had olive skin like my mother did except lighter. I think he was from the Seam. He had jet-black hair and deep dark green eyes. Not like Baron's who light green. Griffin's were almost blackish green. Like a swamp color. But not in a bad way. Oh no. I couldn't be attracted to him. Could I? Was I? No. I couldn't be. I forbid it. 

When he stood next to me, I could see how tall he really was. I was 5'7 and he was 6'0. Tall and really lean. But he had muscle in his arms and some in his thighs. Obviously he supported his family. Even for a 15 year old, he was huge.

Then Effie asked for any volunteers. Of course there wasn't  going to be any volunteers. No one would even dare to take my place. Things had been so peaceful and now there wrecked. So no one would dare speak up. Unless it was my mother. But she dare didn't speak a word. Afraid that with one word someone could be killed in an instant. Me. But that was already going to happen. My death had been set. 

I took a good look at my parents who were behind me on stage stting next to Haymitch, who actually looked as if he was to cry soon. My parents were worse. They were holding each other, trying ot conatin themselves once again. But they were about to lose it.

Effie told us to shake hands and so we did. His hands were much bigger than mine and warmer. Mine were as cold as ice. Cold with fear. I looked into his deep green eyes. He showed no emotion, tried to look as blank as possible. I had a feeling he was one of those people who tried to hide their inner thoughts. To protect others from what he thought. Seam people were like that. I always had the sense to read people. Which I hadn't gotten from either of my parents. I dont' know where that came from.

Effie interrupted my thoughts when she said,"Our tributes from District 12!"

Then we were pushed into the Justice Building. I didn't even had the chance to take one last look of my old home.

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