CH 4

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I don't know why I did it. I just stormed out of my house and started to run. I ran through the streets of my home and I could feel the tears coming. Usually I would just  hide them but I decided to let them run down my face. I realized once I took a good look around that I was in the woods. I thought that I would go to the lake that my mother used to take me too when I was little. I looked at the beautiful lake. It looked so fresh and pure and clean, that if I jumped in all my problems would just melt away. But that would never happen. I was so mad. I could barely feel a thing. I was so numb. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't what I was going to do. I was... I was.. mad. I was so mad because my parents went through so much to put an end to these horrific games, they lost so much to help our people and the Capitol is just bringing them back. Like they don't care.

I finally just decided to do it. I stripped off my clothes and jumped in with my underclothes. The water was so cold and smooth against what seemed to feel like sandpaper skin. I relaxed my thoughts an felt at ease for the first time since I had heard the news. I swam for a full hour just cleansing my mind. When I came out of the cooling water, I almost didn't who was there. Baron Flamsteed. My best friend. We had met in 7th grade, I had other friends but not close friends. One day at school he asked me about the lake I go to becuase he saw me there sometimes. I asked him how he knew about it. He said he had been going there for years and I told him how my mother showed me the lake. We decided to become friends and we have been since.

"You'd come here without me?" he said with laughter in his voice. I looked away not being able to speak. He basically read my mind but he could probably see it on my face."What's wrong?" he said with some caution.

I didn't know how to explain to him what ws going to be happening. I wasn't even quite sure myslef. So I just said, almost yelling it. " There restarting the Hunger Games." I almost collapsed to the floor right after I said it but he caught me before I fell. I didn't know how he was so fast, he should be in shock. I looked into his eyes, bright green like fresh newly cut grass but they were in shock too, he just wouldn't show it on his face. 

"What are you talking about?" he asked me with much caution now. As he pushed me up from his arms. He looked very nervous, he was running his hands through his auburn/ brown hair which fell down to his eyebrows. There was never anything romantic about our relationship nor was there any goofing around. We were just serious friends. That's all. But he was waiting for an answer. So I explained how Haymitch had called this morning and I explained possibly every detail of my chaotic morning.

"Woah." he said. Woah? Thats it? After everything I just told him, he should probably be having a freaking panic attack! I am ready to give him a slap to the face when he stops me and shoves me to the ground. It was like a slap in the face to me instead of him."Don't you dare start to freak out. Bad things happen and people are built to handle them especially your parents!" He is now shouting at me with fury. I know he is right. 

"I know, I should just be trying to keep calm. Damn it, I have my mother's fury but my father's compassion! So when I get mad, I dont know what the hell comes over me."  I said.

I realized an hour and a half had already gone by and mom and dad were going to be mad.

"I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Fine, see you."

Then just like that I was gone.

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