CH 13

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The sound of Calloway's voice kept ringing in my head; "You may look like her but you are not your mother." I am trying to believe what he said but I'm just having a hard time. We look exactly alike except I have my father's eyes. I have her hair, skin tone, same body build. Everything. But what is my personality? My mom is brave and will do everything possible to protect us. But yet she is haunted by her past. If it were me, I would try to forget and move on and probably avenge them. But you can never forget someone when you feel like it's your fault that their dead. Well, I guess I would be aware of the feeling soon.

We are approaching our chariot when I realize that we have a ton of time. Like maybe 45 minutes.

There he was. Griffin. He was wearing the same outfit as me but with a more manlier tone. 

He looked at me and smiled. "Hey Goldie, you look good." Goldie? Was that his nickname for me? Well we are supposed to act like best friends, but was this more of a flirt? He did sort of check me out earlier but who knows where are relatiionship stands.

"You too Griff. Are you excited?" I said nervously all choked up. See this one difference between my mother and I. She doesn't show her emotion to total strangers while I'm a dead giveaway. For some reason I just couldn't seem to keep my cool around him and it really bothered me.

He could sense my nervousness because then he wrapped one arm around my waist and said," Yea I am very excited but you seem tense. You okay?"

Good god I almost fell weak at the knees but I had to keep my ground. Anyways, why was he acting like this? He was very shy and quiet on the train.... Then it hit me. He could tell I was nervous around him after I had given myself a slap to the face in front of him. But he seemed so oblivious to it, so someone must have hinted him. But who?

Haymitch and dad.

They will pay for this.

Speak of the devils themselves. Dad and Haymitch start walking over and laughing at something they were talking about They give me a look that screams, "What is going on?"

I didn't understand at first but then I realized Griff's arm was still wrapped around my waist. I tried to let go but his grip only got tighter evey time I tried to move.

Haymitch seemed to notice this and started to guffaw and then point it out to dad.

"Well, well ,well what do we have here? Griff, you just can't seem to let go of my daughter. Can you?"  said my father while elbowing Haymitch. That's it. I am going to kill them all in their sleep. What was going on? Yesterday he was moping around that his daughter was going to die and now he was cracking jokes with Haymitch.

"Well she is just so beautiful, I just can't seem to control myself." Griff said while giving me a smirk. I was gaping at him in shock. What the hell was going on?!? They had to be planning this together just to mess with me. But why?

I find Shimmer eyeing me a look. Shivers once again went down my spine. I shook it off and gave her a fierce look and turn around. I need to show that I am ready to kill at anytime. Also she deserved that for even bothering to try to scare me.

Then out of nowhere Griff comes and wraps both of his arms around my waist from behind and lightly breathing on my neck. I notice Haymitch and dad are gone. Goosebumps run down my arms as he continues. I try to break free but his grip is stll too tight.

"Wha- what are you doing?" is all I can manage to get out without stuttering too much.

He moves to my ear and whispers,"Well, don't we obviously have feelings for each other? Or is it just a game?"

I try to break free but once again tightens his grip on my waist. "I'm not letting you go that easily without an answer just yet." he slowly whispers.

This time I am struggling so hard, I finally manage to break free. When I run away, I run right into someone. I apologize before I look up and see who it is. When I do, I almost freeze in my past. Mom.

"Mom! Wha-wha-what are you doing here?" I ask.

She stares at me and back to Griffin then back to me. She raises an eyebrow at me.

"It's not what you think-

"You can explain later." She said calmly.

I let out a sigh of relief and walk to the chariot and get in. Calloway comes rushing in grabbing Griff's arm and pushes him into the chariot. "Okay you two, I want you to smile, wave, be friendly, blow kisses, whatever you like. Just please the crowd!" He says then waves at the horses to start moving.

We start moving. Very fast. It makes me almost nervous. I have never been good with fast pace moving things. All of a sudden I am in bright light surrounded by thousands of people screaming and cheering. It actually frightened me. I started to wave and my arms were on fire! It was kind of like a tickling sensation that I somewhat enjoyed.

I'm waving and blowing kisses to the crowd when I notice Griffin staring at me. I blush and turn back to the staring people in awe. In the next week or so these people will be watching me die. Sick minded fools.

Suddenly we are pulled into the City Circle. I finally get a good look at the other tributes. Their costumes were okay but compared to us, well they didn't compare.

I am greeted by President Paylor up in her stand, my fists suddenly clench until they are pale white. This woman has made my family go through torture by making me come back here. She will pay for this. I give her somewhat of a dirty look, a small one though. But she doesn't seem to notice. In fact she looks as if she is not here at all. There is no soul in her eyes. No fire. No ice. Nothing. I guess after going through the rebellion and having the pressure of being President must get to ther sometimes.

"Good evening Panem and Good evening Tributes.Great job on this year's ceremonies! Have fun! And may the odds be ever in your favor!" She said. Then we rode back.

I hop off the chariot and am greeted by my father in a huge hug. "You did great Mair! You are definately going to get sponsers." He said.

"Thanks Dad."I said. I was greeted and congradulated by many other people btu what really supries me was another tribute. Tammin. He has been an old family friend of mine. Mostly my brother. But he knew me as well.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey Marigold." he said back.

There was an awkward silence for a minute or two then he spoke again," I'm truly sorry that you have to go through this. I mean even though we all have to go through it. Your family has had enough torture for a lifetime. You shouldn't be here." I smiled. Tammin has always been nice.

"Thank you Tammin, you probably deserve to live the most out of all of us here." I replied back. Tammin smiled back showing off his white teeth. He had perfectly coiffed hair that was as dark as night. He was around 6'1 and suprisingly lean for someone who lived in the Capitol and was probably fed all the time.

"Allies?" he asked. I smiled and answered,"Allies".

I waved and walked away to find Griff intensely staring. What was he staring at? Tammin and I? Nah, that wasn't it.

"Who was that?" Said Griff with an edge to his voice. Geez, what's his problem?

"Tammin from the Capitol. He's an old family friend. Why? Jealous?" I said with fierceness. It seemed like my nervousness had all melted away. I felt powerful.

He seemed to blush and walked away grumbling, "I wasn't jealous. Not jealous. At all."

He was so jealous.

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