Wine talking

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Prompt: We accidently drank all of the wine and now we're slow dancing to the sound of the television.

Matteo Balsano seemed nervous. The realization hit Luna way after the incident in question happened, and she found it ridiculous. She just didn't expect him to ever show anxiety or nervousness. Or feel, for that matter. Not in any moment since they knew each other had he behaved like that, fidgeting with his clothes, looking for words, not holding eye contact.

Her mind went back in time to this morning. Before class, Matteo invited her over for the evening, maybe a night-over, if her parents were okay with it? (And they already wanted him to call them Mónica and Miguel.) That itself wasn't unusual, as they spent more and more time together. But when Luna hesitated, an upcoming test in mind, he looked honestly disappointed. His big brown eyes fixed on hers and come on, how was she supposed to say no then?

However, after she finally agreed, no relief eased his expressions. Instead, he appeared even more worried than before.

Now she stood at his front door, an unknown anxiety settling in her stomach as she rang the bell. Footsteps came closer, then the door opened, revealing Matteo. His lips formed a smile when he saw her, but it didn't last. Already a second later, he swallowed, eyes darker and filled with that nervous spark again.

"Hey. I'm glad you could make it." Then why don't you look like it?

"Me too", she answered. Just as she went for a hug, she felt his body tense up. Now she knew even less what was wrong with him.

While he let her in, she wanted to know the reason for his invitation. He shrugged it off. "Why? Fishing for compliments much, chica delivery? Am I not allowed to want to see my friends?" Of course he was. But they saw each other at school, the Jam&Roller and now their homes too. Besides, none of their other friends was around. For a moment, she got lost looking at him, trying to work out the reason for all this. She snapped out of it when he raised an eyebrow. "What's with that look now?"

"Are you alright?", Luna blurted out. "Why wouldn't I be, having you around?" A wink and a smirk, in perfect chico fresa manner. If he kept making her blush, she'd never find out what he was so afraid of.

They reached his room. Like the first time she'd seen it, it wasn't exactly tidy, just like hers. But she liked his room, partly because it belonged to Matteo without a doubt and because it gave her a cozy feeling. Meanwhile, Matteo closed the door and turned towards her. "Wait, are your parents home? Or why are you suddenly closing the door?"

"No, it's just that... well, I don't know, it's more of a habit now. But don't you wanna know why I brought you here?" Her face lit up as a reaction. "Oh my... do you have a surprise for me?" Matteo didn't answer but reached for something on his desk. "Well, maybe. But close your eyes first." A warm hand took hers, gently opening it and placing something inside it that felt like a CD. "Now open them."

To her surprise, he had given her a DVD. Specifically, the DVD of a romantic comedy she wanted to see months ago but never found the time for. Honestly, she kind of forgot about it after it stopped airing. "Seriously? So you want to watch it with me? But you know it's one of these cheesy movies?"

"Yes, I know. And I also remember how you wouldn't shut up about it, how badly you wanted to see it, so I ordered the DVD. No big deal, chica delivery." For her, it was. Though there was no need for him to know that. "You became such a softie, chico fresa."

"Be careful, Luna", he warned, nevertheless setting up his TV, "One more comment about my soft side and I might feel the urge to kick you out, just to prove you wrong."

Truth be told, the couch was big enough for them. They still ended up cuddling. Luna liked how intimate their friendship got. Being wrapped up in his arms gave her a feeling of safety, as if the world had nothing on them. During the intro of the movie, Luna tried to get even closer. After all, he made a good pillow.

It got less cozy when he started shifting around mid-movie. It got only worse when he stood up, taking away his warmth and that sense of safety. "Okay, that's it, I can't do this no more", she heard him mumble. Confused, she watched him leave, then paused the movie as even the sound of his footsteps vanished. Now, the mansion felt too big for just two people.

After long and silent minutes, he came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Relief flooded her lungs. "You want some?", Matteo asked. "You really want to drink wine? Like, now?"

Another wink, another blushed Luna. "I'm sorry, but I can't stand another minute of this hell you dragged me into sober."

"Excuse me? It's not my fault we're watching this? And even if it was that bad, I warned you!" Instead of answering, Matteo poured himself a glass, immediately taking a sip. "So do you want a glass too?"

Eventually and inevitably, no wine remained in the bottle.

"I don't even remember the ending", Luna giggled, leaning against him. That way she felt him shaking his head without actually seeing him. "Seriously? Don't you make me watch that nightmare again. If you want to rewatch it, borrow the DVD. Or no, even better, keep it. As long as I won't suffer twice. How can you girls still pay money to see this?"

Looking up to him, she asked: "You don't see the appeal?" A nod, combined with rolling eyes but no explanation. "What isn't to love about watching two people falling in love? And, you know, it's not like any of this stuff would happen in real life. Also, no one is this beautiful." Returning her look, all serious and honest, he said: "You are."

"Matteo..." Her voice became a whisper. The atmosphere around them changed, got under her skin, made her shiver. Not for the first time he looked at her like this. She knew what it meant in case her life had turned into a movie without giving her a heads up first. In real life, though? She could only guess and hope.

"Dance with me?" Was that the wine talking? Time stood still as she waited distressed for his reaction. "What?"

"You, me, dancing. Now." Luna's hand reached out, entangling their fingers. It had to be the wine, she thought. Sober, she'd never be that brave. "But there's no music." Some part of her expected a typical answer like chico fresa would give her. This wasn't. Matteo's voice sounded so genuine, so soft.

She nodded her head towards the TV, where the credits still showed. "There's the TV."

"You're crazy", he stated, smiling.

So they danced. She buried her head in his chest, although it meant standing on the tip of her toes. Their environment blurred in front of their eyes, until everything but them blended into a mix of black and white.

They were undeniably drunk. But did it matter, when she was so happy words escaped her mind? When Matteo smiled at her like she was his sun, his light?

"You know, there was another reason I wanted you to come."

Surprised, Luna froze for a second. "Tell me. Please." Would she at last find out why he behaved so weird recently? He took a step back, out of her personal space. Rather than feeling close, distance rose between them, like a bridge burning down. No way Luna could accept that. "Something is wrong with you. Please, Matteo, what is it? I hate seeing you unhappy. I want you to be able to smile."

Her name came across his lips as if it was the only thing he was ever supposed to say.

"There is... something I want to tell you." A break, accompanied by a deep breath, followed. "I like spending time with you. I like being around you and I wish I could be every day. I, I like you. I like you a lot, Luna."

Like a switch turned on, the worried expression on her face made room for a smile that nearly gave Matteo a heart attack. "You know, chico fresa, I like you too."

Their lips met in the middle. Something in her world changed, that moment. For once, there was only one thing on Luna's mind: kissing Matteo, and never wanting to stop.

"And you thought the movie was cheesy..."

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