A little fresa wedding I

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Kudos and Thanks are in line, because this fic isn't only mine :D It belongs just as much to the wonderful @miris-xo WHO CELEBRATES HER BIRTHDAY TODAY YAAAAAY and who is like 99% of the reason this wedding fic exists and keeps motivating me with her moodboards and ideas and comments ♥ 

This will be a little series because, well, I am incapable apparently of writing short scenes and no one needs a +10k post. I truly hope you'll enjoy it!

And as always: ac-ars and sky-girls on Tumblr the name Rory first. I used my own brain to end up with this name (also because of my roommate who is obsessed with Gilmore Girls and keeps trying to talk me into watching it), which is why I didn't give them any credit. 


Pt. I – Getting there

The realization that she will marry Matteo hits Luna quite late.

It doesn't come when they're at home, packing their bags and double-checking every list until they both fall into bed exhausted. It's not during their flight, where little Aurora cries and cries before she finally calms down after an hour of screaming. It's not even when she hands her daughter over to her parents for the night and steps into her hotel room, where Nina already unpacks their suitcases.

No, the moment her wedding begins to feel real to Luna is when they arrive at the venue to see how the preparations are coming along.

Next to her, Nina gasps at the sight, not to Luna's surprise. She remembers making the same surprised noise when she first saw the mansion about a year ago. Rosecliff is, without a single doubt, stunning. Its white bricks paint a bright contrast to the surrounding trees, and the air carries the perfume of the flower gardens, mixed with the scent of the ocean. Just one glance at the building, and Luna feels like a young princess about to experience her first ball night.

Only that this won't be a ball night, but her wedding.

(If she keeps repeating it, will it stop feeling like a daydream?)

"How did you hear about this place again?" Gastón asks Matteo, and while her fiancé answers, Luna's thoughts wander back to the stress of picking a venue. No matter where they searched, not a single place in Argentina fit their criteria. Ideas were traded back and forth, as quickly dismissed as they came, heads were shaken, tears were shed. More than once, when the task of planning their big day overwhelmed her, Luna considered to just grab Matteo's hand and marry him on the spot, in jeans and t-shirt, without friends and family.

In the end, it was his cousin who made sure they'd get a gorgeous venue instead, far away from the eyes of the paparazzi and big enough to include all their loved ones.

Flor had mentioned Newport when she stopped by for a couple of days, admiring the ocean and the old, yet carefully restored buildings all around the island. She went on and on about the romantic potential and lamented that not a single picture managed to capture its true beauty.

That's when Luna first caught the glimmer in Matteo's eyes.

Still, they hesitated to fly over, despite Flor's excitement and the promising results of a quick internet research. With less than three months left till her due date, Matteo and her wondered if such a long flight carried too many risks (yet alone the possibility of being spotted by the media or an over-sharing fan), but travelling here after she gave birth meant postponing the wedding for easily another year.

And they felt they had waited long enough. So, when the doctor gave them the green light, they booked the flights.

Luna knew it was the right decision the moment they entered the path towards the mansion. The rose gardens, the romantic fountain at the backside, the view on the ocean. Every little spot offered a lovely invitation for photographs, every detail the tour guide mentioned seemed more perfect for a wedding.

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