I'm begging you to unlove me (cause I can't unlove you)

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It doesn't matter all the times you broke my heart, when I'm alone wish you'd be with me in the dark

It got cold. Her hands began to tingle from the chilly air around her. Shiver after shiver ran over her back. The first muscles in her arms and legs trembled in a weak attempt to produce some warmth. Her shoulder felt tense from the hard floor underneath her. Luna couldn't move. Even if she wanted to get up and hide herself under a blanket or ask her mom for some tea, she couldn't. She didn't want to.

Everything felt hopeless.

Everything felt so hopeless, like an eternal grey sky that stayed above her, no matter where she went, no matter who she talked to. Loving him felt hopeless.

They'd been fighting again. Nothing new, on the opposite, the same old story repeating itself for the hundredth time in history. She called him selfish and arrogant. He shot back that she didn't support him and would always choose Simón over him. And then they fell back into a silence that spoke of hurt and broken trust.

Luna wanted to move on. Not for the first time. She'd tried. She'd tried so many times, only to find herself back in his arms, only to find herself repeating the same mistakes. Every. Damn. Time. By now, she gave up on understanding why. It just happened, like the sunset and sunrise, like the tide and the waves. Matteo was a force of nature.

And Luna, small little Luna, was helpless against him. She'd tried to look at other boys, she'd tried to think of them by her side. The idea disgusted her.

Matteo was a force of nature and the most self-destructive part of herself went back to drown in him whenever she headed for the coast.

Her phone lit up.

"What?" She didn't try to conceal the hurt in her voice.

"We need to talk."

"What for, Matteo?", she whispered back. We're only hurting each other, she silently added. He heard it anyway. He whispered back. "Luna, please. We need to solve this." Too much pain, both in him and her.

I love you. I wish you were here and held me until I can feel again.

Even though we're broken, we keep holding on to these distant memories

His mouth moved on hers. Slow, torturous. Her breath hovered in the deepest corners of her lungs, too anxious to float back into the air. Her fingers found the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer, without mercy.

He answered by grabbing her waist, bumping her against his body until they melted into each other.

It wasn't close enough yet. Peace never lasted long enough between them, so Luna intended to savor every second of their truce. Kissing kept them from talking. Not talking kept them from fighting. Not fighting allowed her to kiss him.

Sometimes, he still showed her the Matteo she'd fallen in love with. Sweet, and considerate. He shined through the featherlight kisses he pressed on her forehead, or in the melodies he hummed into her ears before she fell asleep. He showed her the tiniest reflection of this Matteo and she gave him her whole heart, regardless of how it crumbled into pieces in his hands.

His kiss changed. Faster, harder. Her world turned black and Matteo remained the one last light in it, the one last thing her eyes recognized in the darkness.

We're spinning, going in circles – why won't we let this die?

"What were you thinking? Jeez, were you thinking at all?"

Matteo clicked his tongue. She hated this sound. She hated the disapproval in it.

She hated him. Her blood almost boiled her skin from inside out, so much did he annoy her. "I swear it's like you do this on purpose!"

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