Best friends to lovers

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Prompt: Can you write Best friends to lovers for Lutteo, please? 

Something wasn't right.

Luna looked at Matteo and saw a completely different guy. Where her best friend smiled in a way that made her lips lift too, the new Matteo frowned a lot. His snob façade showed more often and he seemed overall unhappy. It projected onto his body language too. From time to time, Luna caught him rubbing his neck and shoulders, as if an invisible weight made his muscles sore. Even when he danced, it wore him down as his movements became more tense and less fun to watch.

She hated seeing him like this. But she stopped saying it out loud. Nina needed not another reason to bring up a possible explanation for the constant worrying. Luna knew her friend only wanted her happiness, but it was impossible and he had a girlfriend while she was his best friend and it solely happened in her dreams.

The more time passed, the more changes occurred. Matteo withdrew. Not only from her, but Gastón as well. Perida and her got closer, bonding over shared concerns. Developing theory over theory for their friend's behavior, no interpretation stuck. No solution and no attempt to help him either.

Every time another effort to cheer him up failed, Luna danced alone. It soothed her nerves, being the only one on the rink and forgetting everything for at least some minutes. Today, she needed longer to concentrate on her motions. But in the end, it still worked. The world waited for her to come back while she was whirling around, testing new steps, not caring how silly she might look.

That was, however, until she heard a slow clapping. Turning around, she froze as she took the sight in. Matteo sat on the bench, eagerly watching every step. For the first time in forever, he appeared relaxed – in a way that included a clouded gaze. The reason how that came to be only occurred to Luna when she discovered the bottle of wine next to him.

"Matteo! I didn't know you were here. Or anyone else, for that matter." Meeting his eyes sounded easier than it felt. She hadn't forgotten how he brushed her off earlier.

"Nice steps, chica delivery. Tamara would like them."

Chica delivery. Had been a while since he last used that nickname. She stepped closer. Something was off, still. "Are you alright?"

"Of course I am. You know, as the king..." "Yeah, I know", she interrupted, tired of his nonsense, "The king of the rink, the most intelligent, the handsome and one and only Matteo Balsano. Save it, I know you're not like that."

A smirk arose on his lips. That's how she knew she should have kept her mouth shut. "You think I'm handsome?"

With rolled eyes she covered up how badly she wanted to agree. Even drunk, his arrogance showed off. "Seriously, Matteo, what is with you? Why are you... so weird? And why are you drinking? It's not even 8 pm." Silence. While she ultimately tried to catch his gaze, he avoided hers. In front of her eyes, he crumbled back into a thousand pieces. Some minutes later, he stood up. "I can't stand to be here right now." With shaky steps, he walked away.

First, Luna hesitated. But then, she followed him. After all, she needed him to be okay.

Lucky for her, the skates proved to be faster than him. Matteo only got to his locker when she caught up. "Hey, wait!" He hardly turned around as she added, "I'm worried about you."

"Well then, why am I acting weird? Tell me, Luna."

Hearing his broken tone, she wanted to hug her best friend. But she had no idea where the boundaries laid, for the first time. Words were all she had left. And no matter how hard it felt to breathe, Luna took that chance. Now or never.

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