We're gonna let it burn (Leotteo)

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(based on the nightmare of a shirt in s2a)

Matteo usually tried to make the best out of every situation life threw him into. He had no time for regrets.

This, however, was something he regretted immediately. Gastón stood next to his closet, in his hands the most horrible shirt to ever be made on earth. No, cancel that, the whole universe. "Really?", he blurted out, "Gastón, buddy, mi amigo, I remember you said ugly, not 'wear a shirt that can actually destroy your relationship'. Don't you have... something else? That doesn't give everyone eye cancer?"

A look at his best friend and Matteo knew there was no way to get out of this. With a headshake, he mumbled: "I can't believe you're doing this to me."

The smile on Gastón's face grew bigger. "Don't be so whiny. In the end, I bet you'll still look great. And Luna will love it."

Luna didn't love it. In fact, she barely recognized him. She kept looking around, turning and tilting her head although he already walked up to her. "Hey, my little moon", he greeted and that's when she realized it was him.

Her jaw dropped, eyes wide open and full of a horror Matteo understood too well. Since he looked in the mirror for the first time, he constantly wanted to throw up. Only knowing Gastón owned a picture felt worse than wearing this for the day.

"Oh my...", was the first thing to leave Luna's mouth. When he leaned forward to kiss her hello, she turned away. "No. Sorry, it's just... not with this shirt."

"But, Luna, maybe it awoke my inner tiger?", he joked – because honestly, humor was all he had left as a coping mechanism, "You know what they say, classy on the streets, a tiger..."

"Oh, shut up", she interrupted, giving up and kissing him quickly. "You don't need a shirt to awaken that side of you. But seriously – why?"

He knew she'd ask, yet he hated admitting his screw-up. "Gastón made me wear it, because I lost a bet." Luna shook her head. Confusion leaked through her eyes, questioning him. "What did you do? I thought you'd only take bets when you can't lose? And why a leo print?"

They were walking through the park now, which meant Matteo avoided her look with ease. The sun colored everything around them and birds played their happy songs while they were whirling through the air. He wished he could just fly away with them.

Instead, he remembered what he only called the smoothie disaster. "Well, we were studying at Jam&Roller, and Gastón was bored so he said I wouldn't drink the weirdest smoothie Pedro could make and – don't look at me like that! How could I let him say I wouldn't do this? – anyway, it was so disgusting, like I had no idea a smoothie could be so bad. End of the story, I spit it out, which was against the rules and I lost. So, yeah, this means I have to wear this."

A little afraid of her reaction (he'd never admit it, though), he turned towards his girlfriend. Figured, her face spoke volumes. "Why doesn't this surprise me?" Luna turned her head towards him, checking him out. "And it's not ugly." Pulling up his eyebrows in bewilderment, he asked: "It's not?"

A smile slipped on her lips. "No. Ugly is too much of an understatement. It's a freaking nightmare."

It wasn't like he agreed. Still, he couldn't help himself. "Admit it, you secretly like it. Even if it's just a tiny little bit." A snort followed, accompanied by: "Sorry, chico fresa, but the only thing I have to admit is that I was wrong when I thought there wasn't a thing you didn't look good in."

He pulled her closer, hands on her waist, and grinned down at her. "Aww, you think I look good?"

However, she freed herself. "Are you not listening? You look like... a character from a telenovela with cheesy romance and too much drama who doesn't know how to properly dress. I want to burn this shirt. Or take it off, at least."

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