A little fresa wedding II

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Here we are with the second part! I really hope you enjoy this :D I also want to thank each and everyone who got this little collection on #9 in the Lutteo tag ♥ It's my fave number and seeing it there made me very happy!

And surprise, surprise, as always: ac-ars and sky-girls on Tumblr the name Rory first. I used my own brain to end up with this name (also because of my roommate who is obsessed with Gilmore Girls and keeps trying to talk me into watching it), which is why I didn't give them any credit.


Pt. III - Getting ready

Since she woke up from her nap after breakfast, Aurora loves to play with the buttons of Matteo's shirt. Her baby fingers constantly reach out for them, tossing on them, while he holds her in his lap.

Opposite to them, Gastón leans against the window frame, where he checks the view and throws a glance at his watch every few seconds. "The photographer is late," he states, clearly annoyed.

"Will you relax?" Matteo asks, bouncing his daughter on one leg now, laughing along with her. "It's been five minutes, there's still plenty of time."

"I should relax, that's priceless," he mutters under his breath. It's been going on like this all morning – given his behavior, it'd be easy to think Gastón was the one who got married today, not Matteo. "I am relaxed," his best friend continues, "but shouldn't you be nervous? Just a little? Or did you spend all of that on your proposal?"

"Haha, had a clown for breakfast again?"

Gastón has a point though. Back when Matteo planned to ask Luna the big question, he had no chill whatsoever. Zero chill, really. It was a miracle to him how his best friend endured all the second-guessing and doubting and overthinking over every single tiny little detail. While Gastón listened to all his whining, he never complained. Too much.

"No, I mean it," his best man now says. "Aren't you afraid she changes her mind and dumps you at the altar?"

Matteo chuckles, then shrugs. "Nope, not really. She loves me too much," he explains, copying the grimace Rory pulls at him before he snickers at her frown. "The only thing I'm afraid of is this little one here. Hm, Lily Aurora, don't cause daddy any trouble today." Lifting her so she can gawk back into his eyes, he puts on his most serious expression. "Will you promise?"

Her answer is to spit all over his shirt.

"Nice," Gastón comments, although his laugh cuts off half the word.

A sigh hushes over Matteo's lips while he gets up to clean what's left to save in the bathroom. "At least it's not the shirt Luna has to see me in."


Of course, his daughter holds her own opinions on acting well-behaved even after ruining his favorite sleeping shirt.

He's not done yet scrubbing her spit out of his shirt when her high-pitched voice cuts through the silence, abruptly ending it. With curses muttered under his breath, Matteo runs back into the room, where he finds Gastón cooing over his goddaughter.

"Don't bother," Matteo tries to tell him over the screams and cries while he strokes the back of his little girl. "When she screams like this, she's hungry, so the only thing we can do is get her to..."

Knock knock.

"Matteo? Gastón? Can I come in?"

"Luna," he finishes. By then, Gastón already jumps at him and covers his eyes with his hands, effectively taking his vision. "What the..."

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