Where hitting a wall takes you

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Prompt: "I'm your roommate's friend and I have an extra key but clearly my friend did not tell you about that so now I'm pinned against a wall because you think I'm a murderer and holy shit, where do you take martial arts?"

Matteo expected a lot of things to happen. For example, serving as Gastón's delivery boy at some point, because his best friend was in love and therefore not as accountable as he used to be. In return, there were things Matteo never expected. Like ending up against a wall, consumed by complete darkness in a situation that couldn't be further from any romantic context.

He had no idea who his attacker was.

Their arms blocked his shoulders. His back was jammed into the cold wallpaper, supported by the weight of a body. Adrenaline rushed through his blood. The pressure on his chest made it hard to breath. He wanted to get out, get away. Desperately. But he didn't know how to do it, not even how to think clearer.

"Who are you and what do you want?", a female voice cut through the silence, sharp and confident.

"I'm Gastón's best friend, he wanted me to pick up some text books for him", Matteo panted, already losing breath.

"How did you get in?" Yeah, that girl, woman, whatever, didn't sound as if she would let him go anytime soon. Who was she?

Matteo tried to remember anything that helped him figure out who she was. And what she was doing here in a presumed empty flat.

The roommate! It took him a moment to remember that both Gastón and Nina had brought up another girl who lived here.

Great, he thought, was this how he'd meet Nina's best friend? First impressions were important and of all things, he apparently had messed this one up. "Spare key", he coughed.

Finally, her grip loosened. Oxygen flooded his lungs and he let out a relived sigh. "Ugh, that's so much better", he murmured. The lights flickered on with no warning, freezing him for the blink of a moment. Next thing, he saw her.

By the stars, she's cute.

Big green eyes. They drew him in, deep, deeper, until he shook his head and broke away. Soft brown curls fell over her shoulder, framing her cheeks that were tinted with a notion of pink. And her lips. Her lips sparked an idea where he casually picked her up and found out how she liked being up against the wall.

Matteo undeniably liked what he saw, without even knowing her name, knowing anything.

However, what he said was something entirely different. "Wow, that must be the most embarrassing moment in my life, you are so tiny." The girl raised her eyebrows. "Isn't that a bit presumptuous for you to say?"

"Presumptuous? Isn't that a big word coming from someone as small as you?" He had no idea what he was saying, or how his mouth worked faster than his brain.

"Already talking big again?", the girl countered with both eyebrows raised, "Do you like being slammed against the wall or something?"

"Well, first of all, that really was kinda hot, and yeah, I do. Though under different circumstances if I'm being honest." Okay, he should stop. Now. He didn't need her to defy him a second time. Yet, something about her fried his thoughts and took away his self-control. Or was that just the left-over adrenaline?

She blushed. This time, he got to watch the color spreading out beneath her skin and all he wanted right then was to see it over and over again. Not long and he'd need a pinhole to look at... what was her name? How hadn't he asked her yet but already teased her as if his life depended on it?

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