A little fresa story IV

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Disclaimer: Because it was brought up several times now: ac-ars and sky-girls on Tumblr (I have no idea how to tag people here) used the name Rory first. I used my own brain to end up with this name (also because of my roommate who is obsessed with Gilmore Girls and keeps trying to talk me into watching it), which is why I didn't give them any credit.


„Luna, do you have any plans for tonight?" Matteo asks her over breakfast. He knows the answer already, but he has to focus on keeping his tone as casual as possible and that takes too much effort to come up with a smoother, less obvious question.

Luckily for him, his girlfriend doesn't suspect a thing. "No, I don't. Do you have anything in mind?"

"I thought maybe we could go skating together. It's been a while."

Almost two months, to be exact. His tour is to blame, the small amount of time they spent together in between concerts was never enough for elaborated plans. But now he gets to chill for two weeks before the last part of the tour demands him to leave the country.

Those two weeks are just enough time to finally follow through with his plan.

Luna smiles at him while she steals the jar with her mom's marmalade out of his hands. "Skating sounds great. And dinner, maybe? We haven't been at my mom's restaurant in ages."

For a second, Matteo blinks at her, frozen in his surprise. Dinner wasn't part of his plan, let alone in her mom's restaurant. He needs this evening to be perfect, not the tiniest detail can go wrong, he only has this one shot and the added pressure of having her parents around is something he'd gladly miss out on.

But one deep breath later, he relaxes and sends her a smirk. "Only if you don't step on my feet or make us kiss the ground."

"Excuse me?" she shouts, her mouth half full of toast. She hastily swallows, and the grin on his face deepens. "I am the world champion! And do I need to remind you I won not only one, but two Olympic gold medals? The only thing you might kiss is my ass."

"You're a retired world champion, that's different. And who knows what the break did to you and your skating skills." Pleased with himself, he reaches out for the fruit plate and begins to nibble on a strawberry.

Luna watches his every move, her eyes turn into slits and never leave him, even when she takes a sip from her tea cup. The morning sun reflects in the green of her iris, adding a vivid, capturing sparkle to it.

"Did the truth take your breath away, chica delivery?"

A snort follows. "You wish, chico fresa. I'm just not sure how to tell you that one day, I'll marry someone who supports me and is there for me and doesn't mock me first thing in the morning. You'll see, and then you'll be very sorry." Two strawberries land in her mouth and she munches on them with a wink in his direction, however her laugh sounds so happy and genuine, Matteo can't possibly get mad or annoyed at her.

"Guess I'll have to get you pregnant first then, so you can't just leave me like that."

"Because that worked out so well so far, huh? Besides, I could still leave you when I'm pregnant. Maybe I will."

(Sometimes, when she's about to win one of their banters, he misses young Luna. The sweet, innocent girl who stared at him speechlessly if he teased her enough. She'd blush, and he smirked at her and considered stealing a kiss or two. The Luna in front of him, however, stopped taking any shit long ago. She's still kind and a ray of sunshine in his life, but also fiercer, more empowered, and braver than ever.

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