A little fresa story

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Disclaimer: Because it was brought up several times now: ac-ars and sky-girls on Tumblr (I have no idea how to tag people here) used the name Rory first. I used my own brain to end up with this name (also because of my roommate who is obsessed with Gilmore Girls and keeps trying to talk me into watching it), which is why I didn't give them any credit.


24 hours a day aren't enough. What used to be sufficient to keep her life in order is now lacking and Luna finds herself wishing for a little bit more time, just one more hour even.

She stumbles upon this thought often now.

It materializes in her head as soon as she begins to nap instead of blinking, and when she suddenly lacks the energy to take care of everything at once.

Maybe she simply wants to do too many things at the same time - finish the last bits and pieces in their new house, study for her trainer's license if she intends to be done by the end of the year, plan the wedding.

Those things alone would already be enough to keep her busy, yet they fade against her greatest, newest challenge – taking care of a newborn.

No, 24 hours aren't enough anymore. Even if Luna takes friends and family eager to visit out of consideration, even if she doesn't think about cooking dinner or taking a shower or doing the laundry or...

Now it's back.

It's back again, this paralyzing fear she'll never get anything done and she's too overwhelmed to achieve anything. This fear she's making mistake after mistake and that it's too much, too much to handle.

It's back again, Luna can feel the panic spreading in her veins, feels the pressure building up in her chest, feels it numbing her perception. Her vision turns blurry, her movements slow down...

She forces herself to breathe.

Tries to remember what the midwife told her during her last visit - freaking out won't help, no matter how tired she is. She needs to relax, needs to take it slow and rest and focus on one little task at a time.

So, she breathes, in and out, in and out. Blinks the tears away. Breathes.

But it's hard, even more so with all the sleep deprivation her body isn't used to.

Her daughter begins to act fuzzy again. She's not too happy with the whole procedure of getting her diaper changed, and Luna's breakdown isn't helping with getting it done.

She sighs. Hopefully her baby girl will fall asleep for at least an hour once she is done so Luna can nap too, and hopefully Matteo remembers to buy new diapers after his studio session – if not, she'd have to choose between getting them herself or being annoyed at him, and both options sound too exhausting on their own.

"Shh, it's alright, mommy is almost done," Luna attempts to calm her daughter. But as she applies the ointment against rashes, Rory whines once again.

Gosh, she can't wait for Matteo to come back home.

Just as the thought passes through her head, she hears the door opening.

Apparently, he learned from yesterday's mistake (shouting Hello when both Luna and their baby were asleep hadn't turned out to be his smartest idea) and tip-toes around the house until he finds them in the bathroom.

"Hey, Matteo," she says while mustering a smile that ends in a yawn.

He presses a kiss on her forehead. "How are my two favorite girls?" Gently tickling Rory's feet, he chuckles at the second yawn coming from Luna. "You seem tired, little moon. Everything okay?"

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