Drawing the line

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This is something that I came up with while I was drawing on my own, and it barely has any plot, but I still kinda like it


She always leaves a trace when she walks out of his place. A pencil or a brush on the kitchen table, a quick sketch or color study left to dry on his desk. Once he finds a cup with paint water forgotten by the sink. Her thoughts remind Matteo of the TV screens in a tech store – five different movies playing and without the sound, nothing makes sense. As soon as she begins to pack up, new ideas flicker through her mind, so she simply forgets what remains out of her immediate sight.

But he doesn't mind cleaning up after her.

Instead, he puts on the playlist inspired by her and wanders through every room, searching for her clues. If he's lucky she forgot something important and asks him to meet up between classes. Some days (mostly Tuesdays) she even asks him if he wants to tag along to the cafeteria. He never says no.

Today, she forgot her notebook on the couch. Luna has been doodling in it while he discussed the grocery list with Gastón, and the moment he walked up to the couch again, she tossed it away like it was on fire. Before he could ask, she pretended to be deeply lost in filling the canvas with colors.

In moments like these he'd trade his first guitar for a glance into her mind.

The notebook feels heavy in his hands as he picks it up. It's not the small sketchbook she uses for first drafts and carries around everywhere. And, from experience, forgets everywhere too. He's only seen the fancy sketchbook two times before, and both times she threatened him to not even blink at it or she'll ruin his mom's gift the night before her birthday.

Nothing tempts him more than to sneak a glimpse at whatever Luna is trying to hide from him.


To Luna: How much is your nice sketchbook worth to you?


The moment she holds it in her hands again, she sighs so loud that the people around them turn around and stare. "And you didn't look inside? Not even once?"

"Is that how little faith you have in me? After all the times I brought you your other sketchbook, or your brushes, or those funny little sponges and..."

"Okay, okay," Luna mutters, one hand playing with her hair, "I get it. I shouldn't come over to work on that painting for your mom anymore, given how much stuff I forget every time."

She wants to walk right past him, into the cafeteria, but Matteo follows her with ease. A smirk rests on his mouth. "That's not what we agreed on, and you know that."

With an eyeroll, she takes a step back to let three guys leave the aisle with their heavy trays. When she's by Matteo's side again, a corner of her mouth twitches slightly upward. "Just for the record, none of the people I made commissions for so far asked to watch me while I'm working. Only you did."

"Because I'm curious to see how the magic happens. And didn't you say you usually don't do commissions? That this was an exception for being the hero who gave you your sketchbook back?" Five times, to be exact. How anyone could forget the same thing, in the same classroom, five weeks in a row, remains a miracle to Matteo. But no matter the reasons why, he's happy to have found her along with the book.

They reach the desert bar. Luna begins to heap chocolate pudding into a bowl, one arm awkwardly clenching her sketchbook. Matteo watches her for a moment, then snickers. "Do you want me to hold this for..."

"No!" She doesn't even let him get to the end of the question. "I'm good, you don't have to." Realizing she had just shouted at him, she flinches. "Thanks, but no. Just pick a dessert, okay? I'll pay."

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